September 2015 – Groundbreaking hearing technology firm Sound World Solutions was recognized as a Remarkable Expert by a popular Chicago radio show called “Remarkable Radio”, which spotlights noteworthy Experts, People, Places, and Things from around the globe. The company’s representative, Shawn Stahmer, was invited onto the show to discuss the challenges the traditional channel has had in reaching those needing hearing help, and how the Sound World Solutions products is helping to provide innovative and personal communication solutions for those who have hearing loss or impairment across the globe.
As a company VP, Shawn Stahmer is routinely called upon to engage the public about hearing loss, and opportunities like those provided by Sound World Solutions to aid individuals who suffer from various hearing impairments so that they may be able to resume communications and live full lives. Chicago radio show host Mark Imperial asked Stahmer to share more information about what types of hearing aid solutions Sound World provides and why the public needs another one.
“It’s true. There are a lot of hearing aid options available. But there are still more than 30 million people in the US alone that aren’t getting the hearing assistance they need. And millions more are joining them each year. So something is definitely missing.” said Stahmer. “Medicare does not provide coverage for hearing aids, and not everybody has access to insurance that can pay the $3,000 price. Many people cannot afford that cost as an out-of-pocket expense. For these reasons, most people wait 7 years after realizing they need help with their hearing to actually do something about it. Our solution lets people save thousands and gives them the ability to set up and control their hearing aids themselves. ”
Sound World Solutions hearing aids are $449; far less than the several thousand dollars that their competition sells at, and with more of an individualized solution. Customers can use the aids right out of the box or customize them using the free CS Customizer phone app. What is unique about this solution is that the user can do his or her own screening and fine-tuning. After purchasing the product, users engage the app to go through a brief hearing screening using the device that is very similar to what is experienced when getting their hearing tested at a clinic. The app walks the user through the appropriate frequencies before programming the hearing aid based on the results. The entire process takes approximately 3 minutes, leaving the user in control. Adjustments can be made when needed, by the user, in real time.
Sound World Solutions has been able to touch lives and improve communications between individuals and families since its inception. Here is what their customers have to say about them:
“I just received my Companion today. As soon as it was charged, I tried it out. I could hear things I haven’t been able to hear in years! This was without the iPhone app. When I customized it, it was so amazing I was in tears. I also tested it in my worst ear, and could hear. I WILL be buying another. I’m 53 and I’ve had problems with my ears since childhood, and it has progressively gotten worse. Thank you for this device!” – Margie Ewing
“Wow, what a difference! I was truly amazed by how much better everything sounded after I used the CS Customizer app. You guys are geniuses.” – Nicki Malave
“This is a fantastic product. I can hear clearly and I can understand what people are saying on the phone and on TV. This is much better than hearing aids I have had that were far more expensive.” – Tony Delisi
People interested in Sound World Solutions as an option are encouraged to visit their website and find out more.
About Sound World Solutions – a Passion for Connection
Sound World Solutions designs, manufactures and markets high quality, affordable hearing devices that help people rediscover the power of connection – regardless of geographic location or economic circumstance.
To succeed, we rethought every component and aspect of the system… from how hearing technologies are designed and produced, to how individuals have their hearing screened and products fitted, to the delivery and maintenance of hearing solutions in both mature and developing nations.
The result is a line of state-of-the art, smartphone-enabled hearing aids and personal sound amplifiers that provide high-end performance, comfort, and intuitively-programmed customization at a fraction of the cost of traditional hearing solutions – using nothing more than a Bluetooth connection to a smartphone or tablet.
We market our products in the United States via respected and forward-looking retail, e-commerce, clinical and audiology channels. In developing nations, we partner with global businesses, as well as local mission-based organizations.
Learn more at
Contact: Shawn Stahmer, VP Business Development
Sound World Solutions
847-939-6101 x314