Entrepreneur, Von Loren, was selected to open an authority media agency in Northern California that will focus on serving the Cosmetic Dental market.
Von Loren’s agency will help the Cosmetic Dental community position themselves as an authority in their market using different forms of media.
“I have always been a huge disciple of the Cosmetic Dental industry as a patient. However, our professional association with this specialized community began in 1997 when our first published articles which appeared in both Dental Products Magazine and Dental Economics Magazine.
The article was called: ‘How to Get All the New Patients You Want without Advertising.’ The call to action at the end of the article offered a free written critique and review of their marketing plan for the first 300 Dentists that responded by sending us a copy of their current marketing materials. We were pleasantly surprised by the response when over 813 Cosmetic Dentists mailed us copies of their marketing plans and materials.
We were extremely pleased that both the editors and the Cosmetic Dental communities found great value in this problem solving article, and we’ve enjoyed a great relationship with this industry ever sense.”
“I’m honored and excited to start this new adventure…” said Von Loren.
Times are changing and to attract attention to a brand, a business owner needs to not only promote their business, but also to promote themselves as a brand. People are moving away from liking a brand and more onto liking people.
Authority marketing tactics are gaining mainstream appeal, and businesses leaders are talking about it.
John Jantsch, author of best seller Duct Tape Marketing, said in an article for Entrepreneur Magazine, “Building personal brand authority is perhaps the most important element of marketing today for a brand, business, or individual trying to gain an edge. It doesn’t matter how big or little an audience you might command, it’s all about the right people believing in your point of view or way of doing business. ”
A story on Fox News stated, “The simple truth is, if you aren’t deliberately, systematically, methodically — or rapidly and dramatically — establishing yourself as a celebrity, at least to your clientele and target market, you’re asleep at the wheel, ignoring what is fueling the entire economy around you, neglecting development of a measurably valuable asset.”
Daniel Newman, a contributor for Forbes Magazine wrote in a June article, “Influencers may be marketing’s next ‘golden goose,’ as people no longer trust ads, but they do trust people. More accurately, they trust a voice of authority.
The demand for authority marketing and positioning services is growing due to the recent media coverage, and Steve Von Loren Media will service that need.
“Because of my long-term relationship I will remain a champion and advocate for the Cosmetic Dental Community…”
For more information on Steve and the VonLoren media group, please visit www.stevenvonloren.com or call 530.492.9971.