Lett’s latest offering, released November 16th in print and launched December 17th on Kindle, ranked #10 in the happiness category and #5 in the women in business section. It also appeared on two hot new release lists on Amazon. Numbers are climbing as buyers select this unique book as holiday gifts.
“The Harvest, Timeless Lessons for an Abundant Life” is different from the last four nostalgia offerings because Lett focused on writing about the people and experiences that taught key lessons that shaped the areas of writing, speaking, relationships, spiritual growth, physical and emotional healing, entrepreneurial endeavors, and every area of life.
When asked how this book came to fruition, Lett explains, “My intention with the new book is to help others create more happiness, health, peace, and prosperity in their lives.”
Growing up on a big farm, Lett rebelled against constant chores and instead preferred listening to the entertaining stories, tall tales, and juicy gossip at her Grandpa’s country store across the road. This was the social center of the community called Buckhorn. Here the budding writing learned about the influence of work, farming, family, religion, and community on life.
Moving to Chapel Hill in 1973 to study journalism at the University of North Carolina required a passage 35 miles from home and 35 years ahead of the simple life on the farm. Lett wanted fame and fortune and focused on blazing innovative trails with work in newspapers, magazines, television, public relations, and marketing, but did not find the greener pastures expected.
Rebelling against her “citified” communications career and retreating to a cabin on a pond in the woods to seek more meaning in life in 1998, Lett eventually discovered a fresh voice as a writer. While writing a book on taking risks and embracing reinvention, she also created articles featuring entertaining stories from Grandpa’s country store for publications in Wilmington, Raleigh, and Sanford. A weekly newspaper column, Lett’s Set a Spell, was born. Lett continues to write this column for The Sanford Herald and sustains a regular blog on her website www.AlexSandraLett.com.
The column’s popularity led to the publication of “A Timeless Place, Lett’s Set a Spell at the Country Store,” which focuses on an era when a either a country store, general store, or hardware store was the social center of a community whether in North Carolina, Ohio or California. The book features colorful characters who live forever through interesting anecdotes about love and war, courting, farming, fishing, quilting, hog-killing, party lines, the first radio and television shows, and the best about country living and giving.
After three printings sold out quickly, readers were asking for more. In 2004 Lett created “Timeless Moons, Seasons of the Fields and Matters of the Heart”;” in 2005, “Timeless Recipes and Remedies, Country Cooking, Customs, and Cures,” and in 2007,“Coming Home to my Country Heart, Timeless Reflections on Work, Family, Health, and Spirit.” In 2009 Lett narrated a four-CD set of “A Timeless Place“. Lett is also the author of “Natural Living, From Stress to Rest,” published in 1984.
In a grassroots approach to promoting these treasured gems, Lett hit the road making about 150 appearances a year at festivals, restaurants, antique stores, church bazaars, school fundraisers, holiday markets, the Southern Women’s shows as well as gift shops and bookstores. “As my audience and following grew, I sold more than 30,000 books out of the trunk of my car,” Lett noted.
Injuries from a car accident in 2011 hampered Lett’s travels and eventually evolved to a focus for learning more about healing modalities and drawing upon natural remedies for restoration of both body and spirit.
While Lett was a professional speaker prior to publishing nostalgia books she discovered that she had a talent for dramatizing funny stories and finding wit and wisdom in all experiences. In addition to inspiring readers, Lett shares humorous anecdotes, profound reflections, spiritual solutions, and practical strategies with appreciative audiences. Now Lett focuses on offering programs that motivate people to do what they love and provides information on how they can market their products and services to create a harvest.
Lett says her career as a writer and a speaker now combines ideas from holistic healing with what the calls “wholistic work” to help readers and audiences understand the importance of healing body, mind, and spirit, and also adding passion and heart to business.
The Harvest is now available in both Kindle and print formats on Amazon.
About AlexSandra Lett
AlexSandra Lett is the president of TRANSFORMATIONS, a company that offers life-changing publications and speaking engagements. She relishes helping readers and audiences look at personal and professional experiences, especially changes, with different insights to use them as lessons for creating a more fulfilling life.
To learn more about Lett’s books and products, visit A Timeless Place.