Entrepreneur Michael Strauch Interviews Web Designers on New Podcast Wix Talks

Published on November 17, 2017

A new weekly podcast explores innovations in web design. Host Michael Strauch interviews professionals who use the website builder platform Wix to create and maintain websites on “Wix Talks.”

Having a website is one of the top marketing tools a business can have. The time and skills needed to create an effective website are viewed as roadblocks by many business owners. Michael Strauch introduced a new podcast in November to unlock a few of the mysteries of great web design.

Strauch, specializes in helping businesses build the websites they’ve always wanted using Wix, a cloud-based platform. He interviews business owners as well as other Wix users who design websites as a profession. The new podcast builds off the popularity of his YouTube channel of Wix video tutorials which has close to 6,000 subscribers to date.

Real stories, real people, real answers, is the motto of the show. “Each week you’ll hear the stories of people who do what I do,” explained Strauch. “Every guest has their own unique edge, has ‘been there, done that,’ and helps other people with their websites.”

In upcoming shows, experts will share their knowledge of using Wix to design websites in different niches: real estate, travel, lodging, restaurants, photography, ecommerce and more. Listeners will learn which features and apps are the designers’ favorites, along with best design practices.

A recent poll published in Small Business Trends asked people what they considered their favorite website builder platform or app.  Wix garnered the most popular vote at 71% (423 votes at press time), well ahead of second place WordPress with only 12% (72 votes).

New episodes of Wix Talks are uploaded to Strauch’s website every Thursday. They can also be heard on SoundCloud.

About Michael Strauch:

Sharing his passion of computer technology earned Michael Strauch the name “Computer MD of Gilbert.” His focus shifted to designing websites using the Wix platform and teaching others to use Wix.  A Certified Wix Trainer and Wix Design Expert, he currently studies Entrepreneurship at Lindenwood University in Saint Charles, MO. In addition to the Wix tutorials he posts on his YouTube channel, he teaches The Ultimate Wix My Website Course online.

About Wix:

Wix.com is a leader in the cloud-based development platform with over one hundred million users throughout 190 countries. Founded in 2006, their drag and drop website building platform makes it easy for anyone to create a beautiful, professional web presence in HTML5 that is also mobile-friendly.

For more information on Michael Strauch and the Wix Talks podcast, please visit:


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