Fitness & Nutrition Coach Michele Pechacek Reveals How Simple Changes Can Make A Big Difference For Women Over 40 On Influencers Radio

Published on November 6, 2020

Fitness & Nutrition Coach Michele Pechacek was the featured guest on Influencers Radio with host Jack Mize talking about how women over 40 can overcome obstacles that may be preventing them from achieving their health and fitness goals.

On a recent episode of Influencers Radio with Jack Mize, Certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach Michele Pechacek discussed the unique challenges that women entering their 40s and 50s often face and the simple changes they can make for a big difference in the way they feel both physically and mentally.

Michele Pechacek became a certified health coach after discovering the transformative power of whole food nutrition that relieved the chronic health issues she had suffered in her mid-30s. Recognizing the role simple factors such as hydration, exercise, and eating more fruits and vegetables played in disease prevention, she wanted to help others make the lifestyle changes necessary for optimal health.

During the interview, Michele shared how at age 49, despite routinely exercising and eating healthy, she started gaining weight and couldn’t understand what was going on with her body, saying, “I was eating fruits and vegetables. I wasn’t eating fast food every meal. I wasn’t sitting on the couch… the typical things you think why you’re gaining weight. I was a very active person. I love to walk and do yoga. I was working out and trying to eat a lot of plants in my diet… But even with my experience as a certified health coach, I found myself gaining weight. I was just really frustrated and thinking… is this the way it’s going to be? Am I just going to gain 10 pounds every decade of my life? I felt utterly hopeless.”

Michele admits that even for a certified health coach there was a lot of confusion. She tried everything from taking on the mentality of calories in, calories out by eating less and moving more, to eating low carb, and even a ketogenic diet. Nothing seemed to work. Like so many women her age, she began to wonder if the weight gain she was experiencing is just what happens as the body and hormones change.

Feeling defeated, Michele joined a program coached by a colleague that seemed encouraging and unique. It was the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. Realizing she had nothing to lose, Michele jumped all in, and by the end of the program, not only had she had dropped her recently gained 10 pounds, but she lost a total of 10 1/2 inches as well.

According to Michele, the benefits she experienced went beyond the scale and included better sleep, improved energy, mental clarity, better digestion, food freedom, and balanced hormones, saying, “I was thrilled that I finally found something that worked. The program was based on scientific principles and in a matter of just six or seven weeks, I started to see significant improvements in my overall health.”

Michele was so profoundly impacted by her transformation that she knew she had to share this information with others who are struggling with the same issues. That’s why she became a Certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach, dedicated to helping women in their 40s, 50s, and beyond face the challenges and frustrations that come with hormonal changes and achieve their health goals.

Listen to the full episode at

To learn more about Michele Pechacek, visit

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