Aaron Ralph Thomas Uses An Abundance Mindset To Help Video Producers

Published on June 13, 2016

Corporate video pro Aaron Ralph Thomas uses his skill set to not only grow his business, but to also help other video producers to grow their businesses.

Aaron Ralph Thomas enjoys helping his fellow video professionals to grow their businesses.  Thomas shares the insights that has transformed his business in podcasts, video chats, one-on-one mentoring, and social media.

“When I got started in 2003 I didn’t have a seasoned video pro in my life that could answer my questions. I’ve never forgotten how helpless I felt.  Over the years I decided that I would be the guy who helps others in their businesses” Thomas stated.

Thomas’ commitment to helping video professionals was a driving force behind his decision to write a book about video marketing that features content from other video producers.  He said “I wanted to create a resource that could help businesses to better leverage the power of video.  Having content from the top video producers featured in this book will help us to accomplish that.” 

Thomas and the book’s publisher, Roberts and Regis Publishing, have pledged 100% of the royalties from the retail sales of the book to be donated to Born From The Heart, a charity that helps families who are considering adoption.

The book will include featured interviews and ‘protips’ from corporate video producers and is appropriately titled Video Marketing:  How to Expand Your Brand, Share Your Message and Boost Your ROI.

Thomas said “The video pros we’ve selected to appear in the book will benefit from the book’s exposure.  They will be properly seen by their prospects and clients as the experts they truly are…this book will be a useful resource for producers to give to their clients and prospects to help them to better understand the power of video marketing.”

For more information visit AaronRalphThomas.com

Company Name: Roberts and Regis Publishing
Contact Person: Jack Regis
Email: jackregis@robertsandregis.com
Phone: 212-729-7339
Country: United States
Website: http://aaronralphthomas.com