Affordable Online Marketing for Small Businesses

Published on June 29, 2016

Professional online marketing requirements for small businesses.

In response to the volatility in the economy caused by domestic terrorism and the Brexit meltdown in Europe, Crimson Marketing Phoenix, announces new services to help small businesses to better compete in their local markets.

Johnny Mulder, owner of Crimson Marketing Phoenix, which specializes in the cost effective acquisition of new clients for small-medium size businesses, offers some new, improved services to further lower costs to businesses. These new, enhanced services and techniques will allow smaller businesses and organizations to compete more successfully with larger enterprises for new clients and maintain their current clients.

A significant number of smaller businesses think they can not afford online marketing and; unfortunately, many times they are proven correct according to Johnny Mulder. Many businesses would never think of purchasing a new piece of equipment or introducing new software without thoroughly researching it; however, they will attempt to implement an online marketing campaign with minimal knowledge or employ the lowest cost option whether it is the best option or not. Professional online marketers should demonstrate to potential clients how one can save  money or increase their throughput before agreeing to take them on as a client. Most people would never attempt to change the transmission in their car, a one time cost of maybe a couple of thousand dollars, but will run the organization’s  online marketing campaign that has the potential to dramatically change their life, one way or the other.

The advertising genius, David Ogilvy, said, “The consumer isn’t a moron. She is your wife.” We remember that in our approach to our potential clients.

An immediate technique used is improving headlines in ads. Ogilvy said,”On average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

Effective, affordable online marketing for small-medium size businesses should be accessible to all.

These services and techniques may or may not be novel to all but they are unknown and unused by most smaller businesses. Johnny Mulder of Crimson Marketing Phoenix is able to help businesses implement these services and techniques.

Business owners and other interested parties can find out more information from the company’s official website,

Company Name: Crimson Marketing Phoenix
Contact Person: Johnny Mulder
Phone: 623-521-7203
Country: USA