Aja Davis, Owner of New Body Elite Studio, Featured on Influencers Radio

Published on December 9, 2014

Aja Davis, owner of New Body Elite Studio, was the featured guest on Influencers Radio show. She discussed how she helps women change not only their physical appearance but have the life they want.

Aja Davis, owner of New Body Elite Studio, was the featured guest on Influencers Radio with Jack Mize. She discussed how she helps women change not only their physical appearance, but they are able to have the life they want when they learn to take their life back.

Davis works with women who have tried many programs throughout their lives, lose weight and then fail to maintain the results they had gotten. These women are frustrated and confused with the many programs and do’s and don’ts which are presented via television and other media.

According to Davis, “The women that come to our studio have been trying to lose weight for some time. Some have tried everything out there. Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or whatever fad is the new thing that’s on the TV or that they read in a magazine, like the Grapefruit Diet.

And they’re basically fed up. They’re at the end of their rope. They don’t know what else to do. And those are the women that I work with. People who are committed, but just don’t really know what the next best step is to get the results that they want.”

Davis explained that there are three reasons women have trouble losing weight or getting shape. The first reason is not knowing what to eat and how to prepare it. The second reason is not being held accountable for working out or doing it properly.

For the third reason, Davis shared, “The main problem is that women don’t have the right mindset to take them to the finish line. And that mindset shift comes with knowing how to put yourself first. Learning to put yourself first as a woman is really the key to weight loss.”

When a woman learns to put herself first and change her value system, she learns how to take care of her health, exercise, nutrition and everything else in her life. The result is that she loses weight, looks great, feels good and has more energy. She is then in a better position to take care of the others in her life, as well.

Contrary to the belief that you only lose weight when you’re exercising, the exercises that Davis has her clients do actually promote weight loss long after they have stopped exercising for the day. She provides them with a concrete nutrition plan, which coupled with the exercise plan gets their metabolism fired up.

The most important part, according to Davis is, “It’s really about taking your life back. I believe everybody deserves to have the life that they want. When you commit and take back your entire life, all of a sudden, you have more meaning, more energy and you’re able to step into that person who can do all the things you want to.”

You can hear the full interview at: http://influencersradio.com/aja-davis-new-body-elite-transformation-studio-for-women/

For more information, please visit: http://newbodybootcampnyc.com

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