Brette Petway, Founder & Creator of Prayer Is Good ™, is no stranger to grief and the power of prayer. Her journey began in 1992 after the loss of her sister Mandi, to cancer. She started to express her emotions through color and creative expression of journal writing, drawing, collaging, painting and craft projects.
Brette said, “After the loss of my sister, I found myself expressing the pain I was feeling in my journal and I’d draw my feelings as well. One day, I realized that these had become prayers, and that they were helping me heal. Using the senses to express emotion can be a powerful way to work through anguish on a path towards peace.”
This 30-year spiritual journey exploring and sharing art therapy, journaling, and prayer deepening techniques impassioned her creation of this new book, Prayer is Good: A Path from Grief to Peace, to support others as they go through life’s challenges. The book is centered around eleven specific words that Brette used for her own leading. She gently and lovingly guides you to ways to connect with God to get the support you need to live a peaceful life.
Prayer Is Good ™ is a growing company that supports 26,000 followers on their Facebook page, Brette leads her followers in live prayer at least twice a week. Brette has started an online prayer circle, named Prayer Is Good Circle. The group can be found at Prayer Is Good Circle. She will be sharing parts of this book, Prayer is Good: A Path from Grief to Peace, weekly in the Prayer Circle.
Prayer is Good™ is a company whose mission is to share the powerful use of prayer to support personal and emotion growth. They offer products and services that encourage you to pray and connect to God using your Head, Hands and Heart.