Author Gillian Stevens Announces Upcoming Release of Highly Anticipated Book Explore, Transform, Flourish

Published on August 30, 2017

Gillian Stevens, support coach for professionals, has announced the soon to be release of her book Explore, Transform, Flourish: Support and Hope for Those Who Help Others (How Professionals Keep It Together).

Gillian Stevens is a coach who supports professionals by encouraging them to consider their own health and well-being as they advance in their careers. Now, she has condensed her advice and wisdom into her latest book, Transform, Flourish: Support and Hope for Those Who Help Others (How Professionals Keep It Together).

The book provides support and inspiration for those who may be at risk of burnout and compassion fatigue. This is often a problem for those who work in service industries who are called upon to expend great amounts of energy and time helping others. Stevens challenges those to break with conditioning and to boldly go where we have not gone before: Put yourself first.

According to Stevens, professional burnout and other stress related conditions is a problem for those in every industry, but it is particularly prevalent in those who must constantly consider the needs of others. Doctors, teachers, public servants, and many who are tasked with the difficult job of serving the needs of mankind often find little time for themselves. This book will help these valuable individuals to recognize their own self-worth and the need to take time away to recharge and refresh on a regular basis.

Stevens says, “Explore, Transform, Flourish encourages you to do it differently. This book prioritizes the need to put ourselves first and given the rising numbers of individuals who are burned out, and suffering from compassion fatigue and post- traumatic stress disorder, this is an idea whose time has come! This practical guide motivates and supports you through a transformational process with strategies and resources to achieving not only work-life balance but also invites you to create the life you deserve.”

Stevens is passionate about encouraging all of us to make our well-being a priority and is enthusiastic about sharing her message with young people about to embark on their new careers by presenting at university and college programs.

Author Gillian Stevens will be presenting at Unity Kitchener on November 19th, 2017, as well as on November 28th, 2017 at Bay Gardens in Hamilton to address helping professionals and provide inspiration, hope, and support for them. This is in conjunction with a presentation the evening before highlighting a Canadian expert on grief and death. Other engagements include speaking at Windsor University, Windsor Board of Education, and Brock University.

For a limited time, Stevens is offering a FREE copy of her book, valued at $32, on her website at For more information, visit the website and learn more about Stevens.

About Gillian Stevens: Gillian Stevens is a coach and mentor to professionals who need help organizing their activities to provide support for personal growth. She is the author of Explore, Transform, Flourish: Support and Hope for Those Who Help Others (How Professionals Keep It Together), a candid look at what it takes to stay productive as a professional tasked with helping others.

Company Name: Gillian Stevens Spirited Guidance
Contact Person: Gillian Stevens
Phone: 1 (519) 400-0095
Country: Canada