Betsy Rosam “Making More Than Lemonade Out of Lemons” On Women Innovators Radio

Published on October 13, 2018

Betsy Rosam was recently interviewed on the syndicated radio show, “Women Innovators” by host Tamara Patzer about her #1 best-selling book “Making More Than Lemonade: Inspiring Stories with Journaling Prompts for Thriving Through Life's Most Challenging Moments” Rosam is also the author of “30 Days to Family Peace and Harmony.”

Betsy Rosam was recently interviewed on the syndicated radio show, “Women Innovators” by host Tamara Patzer about her #1 best-selling book “Making More Than Lemonade: Inspiring Stories with Journaling Prompts for Thriving Through Life’s Most Challenging Moments” Rosam is also the author of “30 Days to Family Peace and Harmony.”

Tamara “Tami” Patzer hosts the Women Innovators featuring conversations with professional women. The radio show is available on the iHeartRadio network, Stitcher, YouTube, iTunes  and Spreaker) or online at: Patzer also is host/executive producer for The Optimal Health Radio show and The Thought Leaders show featured on Business Innovators Network and Daily Success Media Network.

Rosam works with people to switch their self-talk that no longer serves them to language and thoughts that propel them to have more successful and richer lives. She uses her expertise and skills as a counselor to help her clients make life altering, permanent changes in a quick, and easy way.

While working with women business owners, Rosam found that many postpone personal development. “When our thinking or feelings aren’t in alignment with our goals in our business, we end up self-sabotaging our success. This is also true for being happy in our personal life and relationships,” Rosam said. “I help people change the limiting beliefs that may have been programmed into their subconscious along the way of their life’s journey,” she added.

One reader of “Making More Than Lemonade wrote: “ Betsy Rosam speaks from her heart and soul in every chapter, but then teaches us how to dig deep into our own heart and soul to live a life of true bliss no matter what has happened to us in our own life’s journey. Not only did it remind me that I AM good enough, that I DO deserve the best that life has to offer but more importantly reminded me that our lives and purpose mean something. We are ALL children of God and the AH-MAZING Universe and have the ability to SHIFT our thinking, our perceptions and our own life’s direction with using the tools that she has so freely given in this book.”

After retiring from 20 years teaching Middle School Home Economics, Personal Development and Peer Counseling, Rosam received her Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Nova Southeastern University. And now holds a Ministerial License from the Universal Life Church.

About Betsy Rosam

Betsy Rosam is a speaker, author, teacher, and counselor whose professional experience includes over 30 years in education and training, with an emphasis in psychology, neuroscience, family and consumer sciences, and personal development. Her toolbox includes certifications in Emotional Freedom Technique, PSYCH-K©, B.S. Vocational Home Economics Education, M.S. Mental Health Counseling, and Ministerial License through Universal Life Church. She is the owner of Total Life Solutions, author of “Making More Than Lemonade Out of Lemons” and “30 Days to Family Peace and Harmony.” Learn more about Betsy Rosam’s coaching at:

“Making More Than Lemonade: Inspiring Stories with Journaling Prompts for Thriving Through Life’s Most Challenging Moments” is available on Amazon at:

To Learn More about Betsy Rosam, visit:

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