“Black Men Rock” Is A New Empowerment Program Created By Talk Show Host And Author Michael Taylor

Published on February 6, 2015

Radio talk show host, author and coach Michael Taylor has introduced his latest venture, a program called “Black Men Rock.” The program is designed to empower black men and give them the tools they need to succeed by exposing them to successful African-American male role models.

Radio host and author Michael Taylor is set to launch a significant program aimed directly at addressing the state many black men find themselves in. The program is called “Black Men Rock” and will feature a new book of the same name, an accompanying website and an online empowerment course that will offer black men the chance to read about and interact with successful African-American men who buck the common stereotype and negative images that black men have to face on a daily basis. 

“Black Men Rock” will target African-American men ages 25 to 50 and the online empowerment program will include 10 lessons that focus on positive thinking and self-empowerment. Taylor is introducing his “Black Men Rock” program just as Black History Month is starting. This year there is a movement among some African-Americans to co-opt the traditional name of this month-long commemoration and rename it “Black Future Month,” to reorient the conversation from the past, to the present and the future. “Black Men Rock” fits in nicely with that movement. As Taylor says, ““Contrary to negative media generated stereotypes, I personally believe that Black men are poised to experience unprecedented levels of success in America today. Never have the doors of opportunity been open wider for us to follow our passions and create the life of our dreams.”

“Black Men Rock” is Taylor’s way of providing African-American men with a powerful positive resource designed specifically to deal with the unique psychological and emotional makeup of black men. Taylor’s book, “Black Men Rock! 10 Keys to Empowering Black Men to Live Extraordinary Lives,” serves as the guide for those who want to begin to take advantage of this new program. The book tackles the traditional view of black manhood head on. The book especially addresses how black men view themselves after centuries of negative imagery. For Taylor, battling that imagery which persists today, is the key to change. He challenges African-American men to step outside of the box American society has put them in and begin to take steps to lead productive and successful lives. Through the book, the online course and his personal appearances, Taylor hopes to drive the message that black men are in control of their own destiny and can transcend the limitations some want to put on them because of skin color.

Taylor was inspired to create this program from his own story and his desire to help other black men succeed. Taylor is a high school dropout, who has experienced divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure and depression. Taylor was able to persevere through these things and find success as an author, radio talk show host and coach/mentor. Taylor was also inspired by the story and success of President Barack Obama and often points to a recent quote from the President, “We want fewer young men in jail; we want more of them in college. We want fewer young men on the streets; we want more in the boardrooms. We want everybody to have a chance to succeed in America. And it’s possible if we’ve got the kind of team that we set up today.” “Black Men Rock” is Taylor’s way of answer that call from the President.

Taylor is President and CEO of Creation Publishing Group LLC  To find out more about the “Black Men Rock” program, visit http://coachmichaeltaylor.com/.


Company Name: Creation Publishing
Contact Person: Michael Taylor
Email: info@creationpublishing.com
Phone: 877.255.3588
Country: Usa
Website: http://blackmenrock.net/