Book Providing Insights From Local Marketing Experts on Hits Amazon Best Seller List

Published on December 12, 2016

Local Marketing Trendsetters Vol 6 reached Number 5 on’s Best Seller List in the Small Business Advertising category on November 29.

Ainsley and Allen Publishing‘s recent release, “Local Marketing Trendsetters Vol 6 – Customer Attraction Strategies From Top Local Marketing Experts,” hit’s best seller list on November 29, climbing all the way to Number 5 in the Small Business Advertising category.

In response to book reaching Number 5, Founder of Talon Local Marketing Group and Co-Author Dexter P. Morgan II said, “Hitting the Best Seller list is something we are excited to have achieved. This is an important project for all of us because we have been able to create a powerful resource for Local Small Business Owners.”

Describing the unique concept behind the book, Morgan explained, “I was more than excited to lend my insight along with other top marketing experts Chad Collins and Mike Remer.  Combining our knowledge together to help local small businesses, which ultimately helps our local communities and local economies.”

Morgan expressed his appreciation for the book’s publisher and contributors, saying, “I am extremely fortunate Ainsley and Allen Publishing included me with the caliber of Marketing Experts who gave their time to be interviewed for this project. Each and every one of them is a true advocate and educator. To have Amazon put this book at the top of their Best Seller list in the Small Business Advertising Category is an incredible achievement and puts a spotlight on the appreciation and recognition we worked so hard to achieve.”

With the recent controversy around our new President Elect Donald Trump Local Marketing Trendsetters Vol 6 subject matter is a hot topic and a must read for Local Small Business Owners.

Featuring Conversations with
Chad Collins
Dexter P. Morgan II
Mike Remer

“Local Marketing Trendsetters Vol 6 – Customer Attraction Strategies From Top Local Marketing Experts” is now available in the Kindle Store.

Company Name: Talon Local Marketing Group
Contact Person: Dexter P. Morgan II
Phone: 7573496007
Country: USA