Book Providing Insights From Top Criminal Defense Lawyers on Dealing with the Arrest of a Family Member Hits Amazon Best Seller List

Published on May 26, 2016

“Now What?: America's Top Criminal Lawyers Reveal Their #1 Tips For Families Facing A Legal Crisis” reached #1 on’s Best Seller List in the Jurisprudence category on Wednesday, May 25, 2016.

Seven Falls Publishing recent release, “Now What? : America’s Top Criminal Lawyers Reveal Their #1 Tips For Families Facing A Legal Crisis”, hit’s Best Seller list on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, climbing all the way to #1 in the Jurisprudence category. 

The Colorado publishing house has pledged 100% of the royalties from the retail sales of the book to be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

In response to book reaching #1, Andy R. Curry, President of Seven Falls Publishing, said, “Hitting the Best Seller list is an exciting milestone. This is an important project for us because we have been able to create a powerful resource for families who are facing the panic, fear, and uncertainty that comes with the news that a loved one has been arrested while supporting a great cause like St. Jude.”

With the popularity of legal reality shows and crime dramas on TV along with the recent controversy and tragedies surrounding arrest procedures in the media, the book’s subject matter is a hot topic.

Describing the unique concept behind the book, Curry explained, “Few things can shake a family to the core as much as the news that a loved one has been accused of a crime and arrested. When that happens, people want the real story. This wasn’t a topic we could tackle on our own, so we reached out to some of the top Criminal Defense Attorneys across the U.S. and asked them to give their insight into the process and important legal decisions that need to be made in the hours and days that follow an arrest”.

Although “Now What?” is not to be construed as legal advice in any way, it contains information that the accused and their families may want to consider while searching for an attorney who can help.

Curry expressed his appreciation to the book’s contributors, saying, “We are extremely fortunate to have the caliber of lawyers who gave their time to be interviewed for this project. Each and every one of them is a true advocate and educator. To have Amazon put this book at the top of their Best Seller list in the Jurisprudence category is an achievement the contributors can take pride in and I’m thankful for the spotlight it shines on the appreciation and recognition they deserve”.

“Now What?: America’s Top Criminal Lawyers Reveal Their #1 Tips For Families Facing A Legal Crisis” is available on in Kindle and Print versions.

Featured Contributors
The Law Offices of John D. Rogers
Julia Jayne, Jayne Law Group
The Law Offices of Saul Bienenfeld, P.C.
Thomas Daly, Criminal Defense Attorney
Phillip Moffit, Attorney at Law
Roger P. Foley, The Law Office of Roger P. Foley
Michael J. Palumbo, Palumbo & Associates P.C.
The Law Office of Edward J. Blum
The Law Offices of Gerald E. Smith
Maureen F. Baldwin-Domes, Attorney At Law
Daniel Izquierdo, Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami, FL
Tigran Martinian, Martinian & Associates, Inc.
Guiseppe Rosselli, Attorney at Law
Howard Greenberg, Attorney at Law
Labe M. Richman, Attorney at Law
Jeff Davis, NYC Criminal Defense Lawyer
Gregg A. Pinto, Attorney at Law
Mahmoud R. Rabah, Attorney at Law
Joseph Indusi, Attorney at Law
Jeff Weiner, Former President of National Association of Criminal Defense
Lawyers, based in Miami, FL (NACDL)
Shannon B. Schott, Esq.
David Storobin, Attorney at Law
The Law Offices of Robert Osuna, P.C.
Erik B. Jensen Attorney At Law
Antonio G. Jimenez, Attorney at Law
Robert L.S. Angres, Esq.
S. Michael Musa, Criminal Defense Attorney New York
Kleon C. Andreadis, Attorney at Law
Joshua Adams, Attorney at Law
The Appellate Law Office of Stephen N. Preziosi
Paul Neuharth Jr., APC
Bijan Sebastian Parwaresch, Former Prosecutor

All royalties from the retail sales are being donated to St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital. To learn more about St. Judes visit

Company Name: Seven Falls Publishing
Contact Person: Andy R. Curry
Phone: 719-375-2295
Country: United States