Brett Lechtenberg Supports Shelters with Women’s Self-Defense Courses

Published on July 7, 2015

Several Salt Lake Valley domestic violence service providers were the recipients of a donation of 100 women’s self defense course DVDs from Personal Mastery Martial Arts.

These shelters, several of which prefer to go unnamed, provide safe housing and support services to women, men, and children who are impacted by domestic violence.

Personal Mastery Martial Arts owners Brett and Teresa Lechtenberg see this as their way of supporting their community, as well as empowering and educating victims of domestic violence.

Shelters like these often provide transitional housing for people who seek support and refuge from violent or dangerous environments.  They also extend care to children who come along with their mothers to escape the abusive situations.

Funding for these shelters most often comes from the Federal Government, up to 40-50%.  State governments also provide additional funding, but this has been cut back in recent years due to budget deficits.  This has resulted in many shelters across the country closing.

Donations from organizations like Personal Mastery Martial Arts help shelters like these continue their mission.   While financial donations are always accepted, other material items like paper towels, bed sheets, and toiletries are also in high demand.  Educational courses like these, which retail for $67, would be out of the budget for shelters.

The Lechtenbergs chose to give these courses, valued at $6,700, so they would not just support the women now, but also help them protect themselves in the future.  

One donations coordinator said that the donation “will empower [the women] and help them overcome the fear of being victimized again. In some cases it may even save a life.”

Brett Lechtenberg teaches ongoing personal safety courses for all ages, and has specialty courses for women, and for children.  His book, The Anti-Bully Program, recently reached #1 on three best-seller lists.

Company Name: The Anti-Bully Program
Contact Person: Teresa Lechtenberg
Phone: 801-899-0330
Country: USA