This partnership makes The Anti-Bully Program the curriculum of choice for BULLYPROOF America.
BULLYPROOF America, a non-profit dedicated to supporting bullying prevention programs in local communities, was founded in 2016 by Alex Changho. Â The mission is to help local businesses, schools, and organizations expand their efforts to help educated children and families about bullying.
“There are a lot of bullying prevention programs out there,” says Changho.  “But even so, we still had people coming to us asking for a good, solid program that helps teach kids in a safe and effective manner.  Frankly I was surprised that so many people were unhappy with the programs they had, and I sought out a quality program with proves results.  That was The Anti-Bully Program.“
The Anti-Bully Program is a training curriculum and best-selling book by Lechtenberg. Â Published in 2015, thousands of kids have been through this training to become more confident and more sure of themselves.
In 2017 bullying has a different face than in the past. Â A 2016 study by The Cyberbullying Research Center found that, in a survey of 4,500 adolescents aged 12-17, 43.6% of boys and 44.1% of girls had experienced bullying within the past thirty days. Â In this same survey, 17.3% of boys and 17% of girls have experienced cyber-bullying within the past thirty days.
“These are startling numbers.  More than 1 in 3 kids are facing bullying each day.  And 1 in 5 experience cyber-bullying, which follows them home,” says Changho.  “Programs like The Anti-Bully Program can provide a framework to educate and combat this trend, and replace it with one of respect and kindness.”
With this partnership, schools, organizations, and businesses working with BULLYPROOF America will have access to special pricing and content from Lechtenberg and The Anti-Bully Program.  The goal is to have this program in more communities nationwide.
For more information about The Anti-Bully Program, visit
For more information about BULLYPROOF America, visit