Business Coaching Local Women Entrepreneurs in Granada Hills

Published on October 6, 2018

Local Women Entrepreneurs, a small business consultancy agency in Granada Hills, offers women entrepreneurs a skills-building program to improve their visibility and grow their small business.

Local Women Entrepreneurs, a digital marketing and small business consultancy agency based in Granada Hills, California offers a skills-building program that aims to provide women entrepreneurs and aspiring women business owners in Granada Hills and the San Fernando Valley area innovative strategies to improve their online visibility and grow their small business. A 2018 survey by found 37.2 percent of California’s small firms are owned by women, with 129 new women-owned firms established every day. Women are starting businesses in California at an accelerated pace but the vital resources they need to succeed have not kept up with demand.

Local Women Entrepreneurs works with women entrepreneurs who want to go big with their business by providing one-on-one coaching and self-paced membership-based e-learning programs and various online resources that will help local women entrepreneurs get their business off the ground and grow their profitability. The online business coaching program is dedicated to help local businesses implement effective online and offline marketing solutions that will make their small business stand up and get noticed without spending a lot of money. Women entrepreneurs will discover how the program is effective and easy to use to help accelerate the growth of their businesses.

Local Women Entrepreneurs also provides a step-by-step guide that will help women business owners navigate through the complexities of entrepreneurship and reach their marketing goals through efficient and actionable methods, using online tools, social media platforms and done-for-you marketing materials. Each membership comes with full access to a wide library of digital marketing resources covering effective business building strategies that will help women business owners turn their passion into profits and grow successful companies. One can learn more about what the agency does with and for local women entrepreneurs at Take a look and see if it is the right fit.

Company Name: Local Women
Contact Person: Theresa de Jesus
Phone: 877-713-4757
Country: USA
Website: http://www.Local Women