Christy Whitman Shares Her Story of the Ups and Downs and How She Found Purpose and Joy in Navigating The Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World

Published on November 30, 2020

If anyone has experienced the clickety-clack in life, it is Christy Whitman. With a seemingly perfect life, Whitman appeared to have it all with a successful career, 2 New York Times best-selling books, a loving husband and 2 wonderful children.

But ease and contentment weren’t always the case, and life did present its ups and downs. Having had a life sprinkled with turbulent experiences brought Whitman to many crossroads, forcing her to decide, if a life led by doubt would be the road she would take or would it be one that included risks, potential opportunities and challenges, but also allowing her to be the master of her own life? Whitman decided to make a major change, that ultimately brought her to the joyful state she is in today. And, it taught her that the key to finding direction and clarity in life is all about changing perspective during the times of clickety-clack.

So, just what is the “clickety clack?” In 2005, Keith Leon S., owner of Beyond Belief Publishing and the man behind the concept for Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World, and wife Maura, befriended a man named Fletch Rainey, founder of a group called, “The Spiritual Posse.” Rainey soon became one of Keith and Maura’s spiritual mentors guiding them through troublesome times pertaining to finances, business challenges and constant changes in an oftentimes challenging world. Rainey’s term, the “clickety-clack” related to temporary periods of uncertainty that the couple would naturally experience. To illustrate the term, Rainey referred to riding a ten-speed bicycle, as a child, and needing to change gears. Adding to his explanation, he shared that the moment when the chain jumps from one gear to the next, and the sound it makes, is a clickety-clack. And, as a child, there are no worries that the gears won’t do their job and change from one to the next, but for that split second as they jump, the clickety-clack does require attention. But as Rainey always added to provide comfort, “If you have faith in the process, things will all work out just as they should.”

With the fears and uncertainty that Covid-19 has brought with it, along with much more time in our homes, many have been compelled to look inward and reflect on, “What’s next?” This is exactly what sparked the idea for Leon’s latest book, Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World.

Putting together the finest group of celebrated authors who are living this type of life, despite the challenges millions currently face, Leon invited Whitman to share her story of finding purpose during a time when she didn’t even understand what purpose looked or felt like in his latest book, Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World, alongside several other New York Times best-selling authors Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield. Contributing authors Liz Acar, Marcus Bird, Maria Bradfield, Natalie Cook, Jeffrey Gignac, Karen Kan, Kate Moriah, Kelly Moser, Kim O’Neill, Angi Ponder Reid, Donna Riley, Deborah Robbins, Jani Roberts, Trisha Schmalhofer, Venetta Demos Stathis, Lea Williamson, and Ariel Yarger are also featured and are real-life examples of individuals who are living a peace-filled life in a seemingly toxic world. All of these brilliant-minded authors will share their personal stories of how they choose their beliefs with intention, knowing that ultimately beliefs are what form the life one chooses to live.

Readers who crave a better life, will find Whitman’s story real, relatable and empowering. Her beliefs of “perception is reality,” directing unlimited flow of energy wherever one would like and embodying energy healing that can improve one’s circumstances will guide individuals to a life of meaning and purpose!




Christy Whitman is the channel for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy, and The Council, teach classes and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.

For over fifteen years, and before channeling The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch.

Christy has appeared on the news, The Today ShowThe Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel. Her work has been featured in various media publications. She’s been featured in GoalcastPeople MagazineSeventeenWoman’s DayHollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.

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