Delinda Harrelson Book On Real Estate Soars To No.1 On Amazon Best Seller List

Published on May 1, 2018

Delinda Harrelson book “Real Estate Investing UNCENSORED: Real Answers From The Flipping Coach” has hit #1 on the Amazon’s bestseller list.

New York-New Life Vision, LLC announced the book by Delinda Harrelson,“Real Estate Investing UNCENSORED: Real Answers From The Flipping Coach” has hit #1 on the Amazon’s bestseller list on the day it debuted.

The new real estate investing book officially launched on February 23rd, 2018, and secured the rank of #1 Bestseller status on on the day of release.

“Delinda is an amazing business leader and I am thrilled we signed her to this book deal,” publisher TC Bradley said.

Delinda has been featured in newspapers and on the local NBC, ABC, and Fox affiliates, discussing real estate investing. As a success story in real estate investing, having completed over 250 transactions, she has become a sought-after mentor, coach, and speaker.

More than anything, Delinda is best known as a flipper – and has even been dubbed The Flipping Coach. Over the years, she has played a part in more than 500 flips — as an investor, coach, or consultant. She has flipped houses of all shapes, sizes, and ages, in different types of neighborhoods spanning more than fifteen cities. She has successfully flipped in both up and down markets. Few coaches, if any, have more concrete experience or proven expertise in real estate flipping.

Delinda can be contacted via her website: 

Delinda Harrelson book “Real Estate Investing UNCENSORED: Real Answers From The Flipping Coach” can be found on Amazon at:

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