Extraordinary Women Share Their Inspirational Journeys in New Book

Published on May 16, 2018

Twelve women who have risen to the pinnacle of their professions share their inspirational stories in “Extraordinary Women” due for release on 24 May 2018. The book charts their progress on their way up to the top — sometimes overcoming challenges such as bullying, abuse or prejudice — and showing how they have dealt with moments of self-doubt and crises.

Twelve women who have risen to the pinnacle of their professions share their inspirational stories in “Extraordinary Women” due for release on 24 May 2018. The book charts their progress on their way up to the top — overcoming challenges such as bullying, abuse or prejudice — and showing how they dealt with moments of self-doubt and crises. 

Many of the women have transformed personal tragedies into triumph. One of them set up her business in hospital after her daughter fractured her skull. Another started her business after her baby son almost died. Each story reveals reourcefulness and ingenuity in following their passion — in spite of naysayers predicting that they wouldn’t make it.

Publisher, Stephanie J. Hale, of Powerhouse Publications says: “This book has already changed my life in three momentous ways before it’s even published. I won’t share with you how as I don’t want to spoil the book. But be warned that this is powerful stuff: if you read it, you won’t be the same person when you finish. This book will help you change your career, your business, your finances and your relationships.”

The book features women including: 

  • Nicola Whiting – who was raised on a council estate and went on to become a multi-millionaire Chief Strategy Officer of Titania Ltd.
  • Hither Mann – who experienced a tough childhood and went on to become Founder/CEO of Fortune Academy.
  • Sarah McAllister –  Director of The Feng Shui Agency Ltd who originally struggled to have people take her profession seriously. 
  • Geeta Sidhu-Robb – who became CEO/Director of Nosh Detox Ltd. after worries over her young son’s health.
  • Katie Godfrey – who left school aged 13 due to bullying and eventually became Director and /Founder of KG Salon and KG Professional. 
  • Tanya Mann Rennick – Secret CEO Coach and Founder of the Oyster Club, who originally built her business while at her daughter’s hospital bedside.
  • Noel Janis-Norton – Director, ‘Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting and Teaching’ who was disillusioned with mainstream teaching and wanted to show parents a better way.
  • Gill Orsman – Creative Director/Owner of The Holistic Photographer whose famous photos of flowers appeared in homes all around the world.
  • Lisa Orme – Managing Director of Keys Mortgage — named by the Financial Times as one of the Top 25 financial advisers in the UK after her teachers predicted she’d never amount to much.
  • Bernadette Ana Bruckner – Founder of Health-in-All Mentoring in Vienna, whose major aha moment came after she survived a car crash.
  • Louise K. Shaw – The Body Whisperer® whose traumatic personal experiences led her to help people with the 3 D’s: Death, Divorce, or a Diagnosis.
  •  Laura Spoelstra – Founder of Egg Donor Matters, and former Chief Executive of the National Sperm Bank, whose life changed after she became an egg donor.

The women all come from different walks of life and different professions. Yet they all share one thing in common: they have overcome extraordinary obstacles and hurdles to get where they are today. 

In “Extraordinary Women” they share tips, strategies and aha moments to help other women who wish to follow in their footsteps.

“Extraordinary Women” is published by Powerhouse Publications on 24 May 2018, priced £19.99, available on Amazon.

Company Name: Powerhouse Publications
Contact Person: Stephanie Hale
Email: oxfordwriters@me.com
Phone: 441865 880072
Country: UK
Website: www.oxfordwriters.com