Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or CRPS is a disease that gets very little attention. That will soon change thanks to an upcoming film! The film is “Trial By Fire” and it is being directed and produced by filmmaker, author and Celebrity Chef Charles Mattocks. Mattocks is the son of a woman who so happens to be the only sister of reggae legend Bob Marley.
For Mattocks, making and distributing the movie is a labor of love. He says, “This film is so important to me and the millions that have CRPS. I was inspired by my mother to help her find a way to deal with her pain stemming from this horrible disease. After the sudden loss of my father in November 2015, I wanted to make sure that I didn’t have another loss. The people with CRPS are so strong and loving and they need a voice to help share their stories with the world. This has been a joy and while it’s hard to see people in pain, I know the film will help many.”
The film tells the story of Mattocks’ mother, who is the sister of the late reggae legend, and his efforts to help find effective treatments for her. It also features several persons with CRPS and allows them to tell their stories. As Mattocks points out in the film, between 1.5 and 5 million CRPS patients exists worldwide.
One of the individuals featured in the film is Cindy Fernandez-Morris, who felt very grateful to have a platform to help educate the public on this debilitating disease. According to Morris, “I wish I could tell you what it was like living with CRPS, but until you walk a day in my shoes you can’t comprehend the pains, burdens, and hardships I face on a daily basis. Between the doctors’ appointments, therapies, and treatments to fight the pain I don’t get to thrive in life; I have to survive. I survive holding onto hope that one day there will be a cure for CRPS.”
With over 6 billion people in the world, and other diseases getting the lion’s share of the attention, those who suffer from CRPS seldom have a voice. Mattocks has given them a voice with this new movie!
Mattocks explains that CRPS often begins after an injury and is caused by damage to the central nervous system. This movie will effectively demonstrate how people cope with the disease, the treatments they seek and the impact on families. Mattocks is in the final stages of production and will have a completed film at the end of summer 2015. At that time he plans to distribute the film to several film festivals around the world to garner even more attention for CRPS patients.
Charles Mattocks Productions is a film and television production company that focuses on health-related topics. The company is also producing films based on diabetes and a television reality TV show that focuses on the same disease called “Reversed.” The films web site is