Gabriel Hacman Business Leadership Book Soars To Top Of Amazon Best Seller Lists

Published on September 8, 2015

New Life Vision, LLC recently announced that the book, “Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders Volume II” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List, topping bestselling authors such as Stephen Covey and Malcolm Gladwell.

New Life Vision, LLC recently announced that the book, “Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders Volume II” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List, topping bestselling authors such as Stephen Covey and Malcolm Gladwell.

The new business leadership book showcases leading business experts and officially secured the rank of #1 Bestseller status in 2 categories on the day of release.

Gabriel Hacman authored the chapter titled “Alternative Real Estate Solutions For Buyers and Sellers”and “It’s a vital and valuable contribution to the success of the book” according to publisher TC Bradley.

“Gabriel is an amazing business leader and I am thrilled we signed him to this book deal” said Bradley.

Gabriel was born in Romania in 1976 and migrated to the United States with his awesome family in 1983. He is a father of two wonderful children, Madeline and Marcus, and married to the love of his life, Simona, for almost 20 years. He’s been a professional, full-time, licensed realtor for over 13 years, helping sellers and buyers with their real estate needs. He is a real estate investor creating Win-Win situations for many years, a member of the Florida Gulf Coast real estate Investors Association, a former Platinum member with the Craig Proctor Real Estate System for many years, and a Masters Program Graduate from the Ron Legrand Real Estate System. Gabriel has personally bought and sold, and helped others buy and sell hundreds of homes throughout his real estate career.

Please feel free to email Gabriel at: 954-682-9022

“Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders Volume II” is available on at:

Company Name: New Life Vision,LLC
Contact Person: TC Bradley
Phone: 800-676-1075
Country: USA