Greg Welborn and Scott Summers Bring Divorce Help to Women in Search of Real Answers

Published on February 28, 2016

On January 9, Greg Welborn and Scott Summers organized their inaugural seminar to help women with the divorce process. These men brought together professionals from various backgrounds to speak and give resources on how to move forward.

Greg Welborn and Scott Summers are two men who have made it their mission to help women who are going through a divorce. Their organization,, is a resource to help women navigate the many facets involved in getting divorced, and the two co-founders have developed a seminar where women can get the professional guidance and support they need on this journey.

The seminar is called “What Every Woman Needs to Know About Divorce,” and it brings together professionals who will speak to women about all aspects of divorce, including legal, financial, real estate and psychological aspects. The inaugural seminar took place on January 9, 2016, at the Oneonta Congregational Church in South Pasadena, California. For Welborn and Summers, the timing of their first seminar was not a coincidence. January is the month with the highest number of divorce filings; thus, there is no better time to reach women going through difficult times.

The seminars and the website came about because Welborn and Summers saw a need that wasn’t being met. They encountered many women who were not only hurt and angry by the circumstances surrounding their divorces, but were also confused and frightened. They simply did not have the resources they needed to deal with all the issues involved in a divorce. As Welborn points out, everyone understands the legal aspects of a divorce, but very few stop to think about the financial and real estate issues, and the psychological effects or how all of these overlap with each other.

The seminar has been designed to address all of these areas. Each seminar will feature several speakers who will discuss an important issue for women facing divorce. Welborn and Summers have attracted some of the top professionals in their fields. Richard L. Chinen of Palermo, Barbaro, Chinen & Pitzer will discuss legal aspects. Margaret Garemore of Podley Properties will speak to real estate issues. John K. Summers of First Financial Consulting will deal with the financial aspects and Dr. Deborah Buckwalter will be on hand to help women cope with the psychological devastation of divorce.

Together, these speakers will offer women advice and even more important, contacts that they can reach out to, no matter what they are facing. Welborn and Summers also hope that women will leave with the sense of having a clearer direction on how to move forward. Welborn said, “The greatest benefit that women will take from our seminar is a sense of hope, and a greater knowledge of what path to go down. We are speaking to these women and saying, ‘Here is what you need to know, and here is who you need to affiliate with.’”

Summers added, “This is a valuable resource to make the overwhelming a bit more manageable and at the end of each seminar, we want women to walk away understanding the complexity of each specific area and having at least one contact in each area.”

To find out more, visit or call 626.219.2480.

About DivorceHelp: is a non-profit program which provides objective, comprehensive information and compassionate support to women contemplating or facing divorce by offering half-day workshops to connect them to the resources they’ll need during this difficult time. was developed more than 25 years ago by the Women’s Institute for Financial Education (WIFE). Now known as “Second Saturday Workshops,” they have literally helped thousands of woman facing the crisis of divorce.

About Greg Welborn:

Greg Welborn is a financial advisor with First Financial Consulting in Pasadena, California, and is a respected authority in his area of expertise. He has lectured extensively, and recently assisted NBC’s “Today Show” in their week long series, “Money for Women.” Welborn has a long successful history of working with women who have had to journey through difficult phases of their lives.

About Scott Summers:

Scott Summers is a partner with First Financial Consulting. He joined the firm in 1999 but has been working in financial services and consulting since 1989. Scott has a well-deserved reputation in investment consulting and financial planning, and is renowned for his work in the area of personal cash flow management. He recently assisted NBC’s “Today Show” in their week-long series, “Money for Women.”

This news release was published by Authority Book Consulting, LP.  Authority Book Consulting, LP, is a marketing agency that helps professionals to stand out among their competition by leveraging the media to build their brands and become published authors to grow their businesses. Its new division,, focuses on helping women to succeed in business without having to compete by using the power of positioning. To learn more, visit

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Contact Person: Greg Welborn
Phone: 626-219-2480
Country: USA