Higher Purpose Publishing begins the search Entrepreneurs & professionals to be included in their upcoming book project that will benefit Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver.
Mike Saunders, President of Marketing Huddle, LLC and Director of Special Projects for their publishing division, Higher Purpose Publishing, confirmed they have officially launched a Nationwide search for Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals, to be featured in the upcoming book, “Huddle for a Cause”.
The Search Process
Explaining the search process, Saunders said, “This is an important book for us, so we’ll be reaching out to a select group of Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals we feel are true advocates for the success of their clients, while at the same time committing to spread the word about a great organization like Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver.”
Higher Purpose Publishing has pledged 100% of the royalties from the retail sales of the book to be donated to Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver.
Professionals Sought
Scheduled for a Summer 2016 release, “Huddle for a Cause” will spotlight each of the Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals selected from this search, sharing their insights and real world experience from their journey of entrepreneurship success and key lessons learned.
Saunders added, “This book isn’t just about entrepreneurship. The business professionals we select are passionate about helping their own clients as well as giving a hand-up to others they come in contact with. They will answer the most common questions and bust the myths and misconceptions so many people have about success. It’s the kind of valuable information that is rarely shared or talked about but is so vital to up-and-coming business owners.”
With several industry leaders expressing interest in participating, Higher Purpose Publishing is expected to make an announcement revealing the final selections by June 2016.
However, Saunders asserted, “One of the reasons we launched this search is because we didn’t want to go the route of filling this book with the stereotypical ‘Experts.’ This search would be unnecessary if that was the case.
“We anticipate a lot of exposure around this project, for both Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver and the people we select to feature in the book, so we really want to showcase those Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals who are actually in the trenches, working hard every day and willing to share that experience to benefit a great cause and the success of the people they influence. That’s what will make this a win-win-win project.”
Find out more about this project at www.HuddleforaCause.com
About Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope. Habitat is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; advocating for fair and just housing policies; and providing training resources to help families improve their housing. Habitat was founded on the conviction that everyone deserves a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver has served more than 600 families throughout its 36-year history in Denver. For more information, please visit www.habitatmetrodenver.org.