Two of the presenters for the day were John and Sherry Taylor, of Keep It Marketing. The Taylors are nationally-recognized experts on using promotional products to market small and large businesses. Keep It Marketing is one of the select few vendors who help Convergys, Quest Star Gas, and Media One with their external and internal marketing promotions. Keep It Marketing has also helped hundreds of small businesses around Utah ranging from martial arts school to plumbers and banks.
Because of their expertise, the Taylors were asked to give three separate twenty-five minute presentations on entrepreneurial techniques to the business students. Other business and entrepreneurial experts who presented were financial planners, video marketing specialists and bankers.
One teacher stated to his class after the presentation, “I hope you all paid close attention to that presentation because it was probably the most important material you heard all day.”
The day started with a big breakfast for the presenters who were accompanied by a designated student ambassador who was their personal escort for the length of the event. The trainings and workshops took place during the fist half of the students normal class day. The eager students sat, listened and interacted with each presenter in 25 minute workshops.
John Taylor was quoted as saying, “We had a great time teaching the students at Hillcrest. They were excited to learn and they had lots of great questions. It is always fun to help young people who are as motivated as the students we worked with today.”
One of the students said, “I loved John and Sherry’s presentation. They made learning fun and they showed us real world examples of how to use the marketing skills taught in the classroom.”
Teaching entrepreneurial skills is something that more and more progressive high schools are taking part in around the country. The American economy has always been anchored by small businesses and in order for the economic future of our country to remain and to lead the world more schools are sure to jump on board with this type of training.
For more information about this program, contact Hillcrest High School or John Taylor at Keep It Marketing.