The majority of homeowners with a 15-30 year mortgage are pouring money down the drain because they don’t understand how mortgages work and according to Michael Lush, it is not the homeowners fault.
Fourteen year mortgage insider, Michael Lush of, knows all too well after originating thousands of loans for local homeowners.
“Hardworking, everyday people are being told that a traditional mortgage is the way to buy a home and it is just not correct. The math does not work in the consumers’ best interest.” says Lush.
According to Lush, when a new homeowner signs the Truth In Lending Disclosure, they are agreeing to buy two homes: one for themselves and one for the bank. Most people don’t know this.
While working on landing some wealthy clients, he found out through a mentor that they used another mortgage product to purchase their homes instead of a traditional mortgage. Lush says there is a little known nontraditional mortgage product that allows homeowners to pay off their home in as little as 5-7 years on their current income.
It’s called a home equity line of credit (HELOC) and it has been available to homeowners for years, but banks pray that homeowners don’t know about it for fear of losing billions or even trillions of dollars in interest payments.
The other major reason most homeowners don’t know about this option is because most loan officers make just $750 on the home equity line of credit if they are lucky. Compare that to selling a traditional mortgage where the loan officers make several thousand dollars. Given the opportunity, most loan officers just promote a traditional mortgage although a HELOC would better serve their clients’ needs and goals.
According to Lush, even loan officers are contacting him to have him help them get into a HELOC because they know that using a HELOC can pay off a home in about one third of the time as a traditional mortgage.
“The other great thing about a HELOC is my clients don’t pay closing costs or mortgage insurance because it’s a line of credit, not a mortgage. This saves them thousands of dollars by itself.” says Lush.
Consumers who want to use a HELOC as their primary mortgage need to have a positive cash flow and have at least a 640 credit score or above for the program to work. And the program is not just for refinancing an existing loan, consumers can use the program to purchase a home as well.
Lush just co-authored a new booklet called “Replace Your Mortgage – The Proven 6 Step Method To Paying Off Your Home In 5-7 Years Using Just Your Current Income”.
For a limited time, Lush is giving away 100 free copies of his book to help educate new and existing homeowners on paying off their home faster.
A free copy can be requested by calling their 24hr free recorded message at 615-925-3887 ext 2 or by visiting They will ship consumers a book via first class mail at no charge.
Lush is available for a free discovery call as well to determine if a HELOC will benefit you are your family.