Ignite Publishing Company Honors Fallen Employee Dania Zafar With A School Of Hope In Pakistan To Keep Her Legacy Alive

Published on March 27, 2023

The entire Ignite family has Dania in their hearts, and it is a profound honor to build something that allows the beauty Dania brought to the world to live on.

It is with heavy hearts that the team at Ignite Publishing, a Canadian-based publishing house, shares that their team member and friend, Dania Zafar, passed away in a tragic fire this past week in Montreal. “Dania was truly family to us, and her passion, ingenuity, compassion, and friendship will be truly missed,” shared Ignite founder JB Owen in a heartfelt statement to their community. “We are proud that Dania has been part of our team for 4 years since Ignite began. Her art and design gifts were instrumental in dozens of our books and magazines. Many of our beautiful creations are because of her artistic vision. Her smiles, soothing presence, and light will always be remembered, and her amazing talent and creativity as a designer will live on through the wonderful projects she created that have impacted many around the globe.”

Dania’s touch was seen in everything Ignite built as a company. She was fundamental in bringing their Ignite Humanity mission to life and intuitive to Ignite literacy and connections worldwide. She spearheaded Ignite Possibilities, a charity initiative to raise funds for schools in Indonesia and Cambodia. She worked hand-in-hand with many of our authors on their journey to bestseller publications. She was an integral part of all that Ignite is, and her impact on countless people cannot truly be measured. We also know that she worked with other amazing initiatives, including working with Discovery Education—which provides curriculum resources for elementary classrooms across the globe. Her impact will forever continue through these amazing projects in which she strove to immerse herself.

To honor the genuine and kind soul Dania was and to ensure her legacy of creativity and kindness is remembered forever, Ignite will be building a school in Pakistan, her home country, in her name. The Dania Zafar School of Hope will be a haven for children who dream big and love the arts. They hope this school will provide comfort to Dania’s family and create a place for them to honor and celebrate her life.

“This school is our way of showing the world just how valued and loved Dania was and always will be.” Owen shared. “She was a truly gifted individual whose calm, joyful, and giving nature will live on through all who cared for her and the countless children who will walk through the halls of her school.”

Many of the team, authors, and friends of Dania still cannot comprehend how such a gift to the world is gone, but they vow to carry Dania’s light with them in creating a place for Dania to be remembered. They send their love, prayers, and compassion to all who knew her. Her friends at Ignite have shared how loved she was by everyone whose life she touched:

“She brought goodwill into all she did, making sure everyone felt cared for and important around her. It is hard to imagine she is gone and not here to share her joyful spirit and peaceful glow. If ever there was a person who cared more than most, it was Dania.” -JB Owen

“Your light and your smile will forever be remembered. I have always admired you and your capacity to see the good in everything, always looking for the positive side, always looking for the best in everything you did. It has been a true honor and a privilege to see your creativity at work, your grace, and your calmness when accepting challenges. I pray for you and your family to find comfort and solace in knowing that your legacy will always stay with us, just like your beautiful smile.” -Carolina Gold.

“Dania’s creativity was outstanding. She was truly talented and a dream to work with. I will forever remember her laughter, humor, and caring. My love and prayers are with her and her family.” -Mimi Safiyah.

“Dania is an incredibly talented soul, and I saw her gifts in every project she touched. I will forever remember how blessed I was to work with Dania and feel comfort when I hold the books she created the covers on.” -Steph Elliot.

“It saddens me that the world has lost such a talented and wonderful person. Her brilliance was so apparent in everything she did, and her serenity and creativity were a blessing to be around. It is not often you get to meet someone so gifted and kind.” – Grace Regan.

To learn more about The Dania Zafar School of Hope, visit https://fundraise.classroomofhope.org/t/daniazafarschoolofhope, and read more about the impact Dania has made on people.

Please reach out to JB Owen, CEO & Founder of Ignite Publishing, for more information and comments.
Phone number: 250-864-3740 – WhatsApp +001-250-864-3740
Email address: jb@iginteyou.life
Exc. Coord of JB Owen: – Carolina@igniteyou.life

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