Ingage Inc. Founder and CEO, Jessica Lederer, Discusses How She Helps Organizations Relocate More Effectively
Change management expert, Jessica Lederer saw a need for companies to relocate more efficiently and effectively and created a plan for meeting that need. As the ages-old saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” so has Jessica Lederer’s evolution to her current role as a change management expert and the founder and CEO of Ingage Inc.
Lederer’s background put her in the right place at the right time to meet an important need for small to medium-sized businesses going through the relocation process. She had earned a doctoral degree in Human Resources Development and spent more than a decade doing change management for various Silicon Valley firms before moving on to work in a real estate development firm. It was during her time there that she noticed a huge, but unfulfilled, need when it comes to business location.
Her background with change management made her the perfect person to fill that need. It was her lightbulb moment and from that necessity within the marketplace, Ingage Inc. was created.
She goes on to describe her role as a relocation manager for businesses by identifying the ways she helps businesses through this critical time by ensuring productivity doesn’t dip due to the distractions of relocation, maintaining employee engagement, and helping businesses redefine their corporate cultures and identities in relation to their relocation.
So many businesses fail to take advantage of this as an opportunity for a fresh, new beginning and how doing so can boost morale and transform an entire organization. She believes a key part of her role is to help companies with this vital, and often overlooked stepped within the relocation process.
Learn more about Jessica Lederer and Ingage Inc. by visiting her on the web at and by listening to her interview available on iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio and the Business Innovators Radio Network here: