Kathryn Samuels, Author of Think and Grow Healthy: the Key to Healthy Nutrition is Your Faith Hits Number 1 on Amazon Best Seller Lists.

Published on April 26, 2016

Kathryn Samuels hit #1 on the Amazon.com Best Sellers List in Category Spiritual Growth with her new book, Think and Grow Healthy: the Key to Healthy Nutrition is Your Faith on Feb. 24th, 2016. The book also ranked #1 in the Women's category.

Samuels, a personal trainer and life coach, works with clients to help them achieve their health and fitness goals.  She developed a method that is particularly successful with clients who have tried and failed many times before.  “I realized that my clients couldn’t just work the outside of their bodies, but they needed to improve their bodies internally so I got my nutrition license. My clients started losing weight and getting stronger, but I was puzzled as to why some of them gained the weight back. That’s when I realized that last piece of the equation was to help teach them how to change their mindset and brain patterns – so I got my life coach certification. With my three-pronged approach, I starting seeing long term success in client health”, Samuels explains.   

When she saw the amazing success these clients were having in overcoming the obstacles that had stopped them before, she wanted to make her method available to people who couldn’t work with her personally.  That’s when the idea for Think and Grow Healthy was born. 

Samuels knew there were far more people in need of help than she could ever work with in her one on one sessions.   In a recent interview, she explains, ““One of my first clients after setting out on my own came to me painfully shy, with plummeting self-esteem, and almost 150 pounds overweight. Even going to the grocery store surrounded by crowds of people was so overwhelming for him that he would be close to a breakdown after each trip. He was on heart and cholesterol medication and his doctors were very concerned. After working together, the transformation I saw was incredible. He lost over 100 pounds, got off his cholesterol and blood pressure medications, and was able to interact socially with my other clients and in society. I knew I was in the right place and stories like his keep me passionate about what I do.”

For more information, or to contact Samuels, please visit http://www.ksamuels.com

Think and Grow Healthy: the Key to Healthy Nutrition is Your Faith is available on Amazon

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