Leading Real Estate Agents and Brokers To Be Featured In New Amazon Book Titled Real Estate Insights

Published on September 15, 2020

Publisher and Radio Host Mark Imperial seeks Real Estate Agents and Brokers to be interviewed for a new book titled “Real Estate Insights”, benefiting charity.

Mark Imperial, founder of Remarkable Radio and Press, confirmed they have officially started a Nationwide search to find 10 Real Estate and Mortgage Professionals to spotlight in the new book titled, “Real Estate Insights: Conversations With America’s Leading Real Estate Agents and Brokers”, benefiting charity.

Imperial states, “The charity will benefit from their story within the book, the publicity and media coverage that results, along with a pledge of 100% of the retail royalties. Plus, the Agents and Brokers become published Authors within 60 to 90 days at no fee to them.”

The reason this book is important, Imperial explained, “Contrary to what many folks think, Real Estate markets are buzzing from the pandemic and I want Agents and Brokers across the country to have a platform to shine and demonstrate their local market expertise, which having this published book on Amazon and Kindle will provide.”

Explaining the search process, Imperial said, “First, I interview many Agents and Brokers on my program. Then, my team hand-selects only 5 to 10 of those guests who demonstrated that they are true advocates for the success of their clients, then I invite them to participate in the book benefiting charity.”

Agents and Brokers interested in participating in this no-fee project can learn more and apply at:

Imperial said, “For the Real Estate Agents and Brokers chosen to be interviewed for the book, there is no fee…we simply ask them to help spread the word by pre-ordering a few books in a small book promotion package, which they’ll want for their prospects and clients regardless.”

Imperial went on to explain, “We are a specialized book publisher that helps Real Estate Professionals publish their own books to gain more clients. These charity books are how we help causes and Real Estate Professionals at the same time, as a way of introduction to our services. Helping them with this small, no-fee project, we hope to earn their future business, although there is no-obligation.”

Scheduled for 2020 release, “Real Estate Insights: Conversations With America’s Leading Real Estate Agents and Brokers” will spotlight each Professional selected from this search, sharing their insights and real world experience.

Imperial went on to describe the benefits of participating in this book by saying “With the publicity we receive from our books, we anticipate a lot of exposure around this project, for both the charity and the professionals we select to feature. Our readers get great information, our charity gets much needed exposure, and our Real Estate and Mortgage Professionals get published in print, appear on our radio program, and get great exposure for their businesses in the news. It is sure to be a winner for all involved.”

Agents and Brokers interested in participating in this no-fee project can learn more and apply at:




Company Name: Imperial Action
Contact Person: Shannon Rae
Email: media@imperialaction.com
Phone: (630) 923-5425
Country: United States
Website: http://imperialaction.com