As Chief Appreciation Strategist at Grategy®, Lisa Ryan brings more than twenty years of sales, marketing and training experience to her clients and audiences. She works with organizations to help them keep their top talent and best customers from becoming someone else’s. She achieves this by teaching how to build stronger, more profitable, lasting relationships between a company, its employees, and customers by creating a stronger emotional connection to the organization. An added benefit of her programs is that her specific steps and actionable ideas are transferable to personal relationships and situations as well.
A Keynote speaker and author, and a dynamic presenter who teaches corporations, associations, and non-profits the immense power of gratitude in the workplace, and helps her clients translate soft skills into hard profits. She focuses on employee productivity, customer retention and growth, and how these affect the bottom line.
Ms. Ryan is a featured expert in two films, “The Keeper of the Keys” with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and “The Gratitude Experiment” with several experts from the smash hit book and movie The Secret. She is the author of five books including; The Upside of Down Times: Discovering the Power of Gratitude, From Afraid to Speak to Paid to Speak, and With Excellence. Her audiences love her passion and humor, and the fact that they leave with specific ideas that they can apply immediately.
Lisa added, “Organizations hire me to keep their top talent and best customers from becoming someone else’s. I have programs that range from 30 minutes to a full day, and these sessions focus on employee engagement, retention, and recognition by creating a culture of appreciation in the workplace. Nineteen percent of employees are actively disengaged at work, and they bring down the rest of the workplace. On the other hand, 30% of employees are actively engaged, so they are the people who are a pleasure to work with. The rest of employees are moderately engaged – doing enough work, so they don’t get fired, and the company is paying them just enough so they don’t quit.”
Lisa is a Professional member of the National Speakers Association and Toastmasters International. She holds an undergraduate degree and MBA from Cleveland State University.
To find out more about Lisa and book her to speak go here:
To hear the full interview go here.