Los Angeles Book Publishing Company Creating a Book Series “#REALTalkRacism” to Help Eradicate Racism in America

Published on August 26, 2016

APG is launching a new book series titled “#REALTalkRacism” in an effort to start conversations, change perspectives and raise money for programs to help the African-American community bounce back from racial turmoil and senseless killings.

Augmented Publishing Group (APG), a Los Angeles-based book and media publishing company, has just announced their latest project, a new book series titled, “#REALTalkRacism, Change Matters,” in an effort to start conversations and change perspectives, and to help eradicate the intractable issue of racism in America. With the continued killing of black men and recent killing of law enforcement officers that have turned this country upside down, APG is stepping up to help. 

APG plans to initiate real conversations by publishing a series of short-read books that will provide support in the form of education, strategies and solutions to various groups of people struggling with the long-standing problem of racism and unfair treatment that America has historically faced.

Chicken Soup for the Soul started with a simple idea: that people could help each other by sharing stories about their lives.  APG believes that their book series can have the same or greater effect and success in healing the racial divide in America.

The company specializes in collaborative books designed to help community businesses and associated nonprofits to grow their companies, and offers a unique interview process that requires no writing from the contributor. Under the leadership of the book publishing president, Lisa Williams, the company is embarking on perhaps their most important project, to date.

As the name of the new book series suggests, these resources will address difficult-to-discuss topics, ranging from hate and trust, to coping, as well as provide specific strategies to help people better understand one another, begin to accept each others’ differences and to let go of longstanding racist beliefs that many people hold. Racism is America’s original sin, and Williams believes it is time to take real action, which starts with having real conversations. During the announcement, Williams said, “The African-American community is at a breaking point; our country is in trouble. Something has to be done! This book initiative is aimed at moving beyond rage, unrest and finger pointing, and towards educating, equipping and empowering people to make real changes.”

Williams is seeking the help of professionals, social entrepreneurs, change makers and centers of influence across the United States to join in an effort to lead the way and contribute to a chapter in one of the upcoming books. She is looking for executives, celebrities, professional athletes, actors and local business owners, who care about the pain people are feeling and the unfair treatment that continues to take place, and who want to help in some way. Williams is offering four ways to offer support:

  • Participate as a contributing author — This is for black professionals who can serve as a voice and lend their expertise to the black community in one of the books that will provide support, training and coping strategies, specifically for different segments of the black community. This includes community leaders, members of law enforcement, attorneys, mental health experts, celebrities and members of any other profession that can bring value to the initiative.
  • Participate as a contributing author — This is for a professional of any race, who can serve as a voice and lend their expertise in one of the books that will provide support to all audiences. These books will cover topics to help people understand how to interact with the black community without fear of being offensive; to teach others how to deal with their own racial biases and how to link hands with the black community, in order to affect change on a systemic level.
  • Purchase a Community Partner Package: Grow your business by giving — Any professional, entrepreneur, association or its members that is willing to purchase a Community Partner Package will set themselves apart in their industry from their competitors while benefiting their business.
  • Purchase a Community Partner Sponsorship Package — This is for corporations, celebrities, professional athletes, actors and music industry professionals, who are willing to underwrite the cost of a book project or purchase a sponsorship package, which includes large quantities of books to donate to schools and churches.
  • The requirements for contributing authors is to purchase 20 copies of the book, agree to donate 100 percent of the book’s retail royalties to a charity to be determined and commit to getting the word out about the initiative. All contributing authors will be recognized in a national media campaign as a community supporter. For those who want to help by purchasing a Community Partner Package for their business or a Community Sponsorship Package, a percentage of the cost of the package will be donated to the same determined charity. Both packages will include a spotlight article, a radio interview, and copies of one of the “#REALTalkRacism” books, as well as an individual press release that will be syndicated to national media outlets, recognizing your community goodwill and supporting this cause-marketing initiative to help heal racism in America.

Williams says, “It’s a win for anyone who participates at any level. This is an opportunity for local business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals to show their goodwill and help a great cause while enjoying the benefits of gaining invaluable exposure for their business.” Williams’ collaborative book series will provide relevant information for the African-American community, people of all races, teachers, young children, middle and high school students, and more. Williams hopes that the books will be especially valuable for African-American males who still bear the brunt of racism in America; she hopes the books will empower and equip them for situations they may face. There will also be books that feature community leaders and law enforcement leaders who will share plans and strategies that everyone can implement in an attempt to begin unifying our nation.

The project also needs volunteers to help with all aspects of launching a nationwide campaign including bloggers, social media professionals, editors and individuals to help with various tasks. Those who are interested in learning more can join the Facebook group by visiting www.facebook.com/groups/realtalkchangematters/. Those who want to sponsor a book project, volunteer, or participate as a co-author in one of the available book projects can visit www.RealTalkRacism.com.   

ABOUT AUGMENTED PUBLISHING GROUP: Augmented Publishing Group, a division of Authority Book Consulting, LP, is a Los Angeles-based boutique book publishing and media agency that specializes in the creation of single author and collaborative books. These books feature professionals who gain notoriety by sharing their expertise and by donating the retail royalties of their books to benefit a charity. The agency’s business model is to lead by providing value in the form of radio interviews and collaborative community book projects that offer win-win outcomes for business owners, professionals, entrepreneurs and nonprofits. This is accomplished by leveraging the media to gain exposure and grow their businesses. The company and its colleagues have helped over 200 professionals become published and best-selling authors. 



Company Name: Augmented Publishing Group
Contact Person: Edie Edwards
Email: info@augmentedpublishinggroup.com
Phone: 866-386-2636
Country: USA
Website: http://RealTalkRacism.com