The book hit best-seller lists on in Canada and Australia within 24 hours. It was ranked #1 in the “Ethics” category, as well as #3 in Kindle “Consulting” and #4 in the overall books “Small Business and Entrepreneurship” category.
Marsha Lecour did not get an easy start in life. She was born, with an opening in her heart and her mother was told that she would need open heart surgery by the age of four. Dr. Fraser Mustard, one of Canada’s leading physicians, performed the surgery using a innovative technique he had developed and the surgery went well. During the surgery, Lecour received a blood transfusion that routine blood work many years later would reveal was infected with Hepatitis C.
Lecour discussed her diagnosis and how she found her life’s mission in a recent interview, “Hepatitis C is a virus that attacks the liver and it normally causes slow deterioration of the liver until the liver finally stops functioning. When I went to the doctor, he said ‘You will become a candidate for a liver transplant.’ I was completely flabbergasted. I didn’t know I had Hep C. I asked him ‘what do you mean a liver transplant?’ and he said, ‘you will receive a pig’s liver.’ I said, ‘Doctor, no, I won’t, because I’m a vegetarian, so no one is giving me a pig’s liver.’ Well, they don’t do pig’s livers today and I’m not a candidate. I did treatment last year for 48 weeks and now I am cured of Hep C.
One of the ways I refer to myself is as the “Ageless Advocate”. I’m 63 but I’m really 63 going on 33. I don’t look my age. I don’t act my age. Many people today, the older they get, the more narrow-minded they become; the chronologically-older they become, the more they sort of shut down. They start to narrow their view. Their life experience expands but their willingness to try new things, their willingness to step outside their comfort zone, shrinks. I want to help them stop that kind of aging. Coupled with that is my desire to support people in enhancing their health so they expand who they are, what they have and what they can do. Be, Do and Have. If you want more, if you want to do more, you have to have more and, therefore, foundationally, have to be more. So for me, for people to rise up in their health really helps them to develop themselves personally. It scares me when I see Baby Boomers or senior citizens or older people just losing the drive to want to do new things. They seem to give up on it, especially people who have had a serious illness. They just want to shut down and they give up. There’s life after illness. Believe me. I mean a year later, I’m going to the Grand Canyon, you know. Who would’ve thought?”
“Put Me in Coach Vol 1”, The World’s Leading Coaches and Entrepreneurs reveal TOP STRATEGIES For the Game of Life and Business, contains material gathered and authored from top coaches from around the world. It is aimed at inspiring readers to rise up after a fall, wake up from the deep slumber and step into the life they desire. The book contains tips and strategies to improve health, deal with social problems, and build a solid business.
Marsha Lecour is available for book signings, as well as speaking engagements.
For more information about Marsha Lecour, visit Or connect with her on LinkedIn.
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