Nationally-Recognized Organizational Recovery Consultant Douglas Brown Reaches 3 Amazon Best Seller Lists with His Brand-New Book

Published on October 11, 2018

Local Business Mavericks featuring Douglas Brown hits #2 on the Best Sellers List.

Virginia’s Organizational Recovery Consultant, Douglas Brown, hit #2 on two Best Seller Lists for the recent release of Local Business Mavericks. His book also reached #3 in the Knowledge Capital category for the Kindle Store.

Local Business Mavericks is a compilation of one-on-one conversations with some of the top entrepreneurs in their industry designed to share their strategies to overcome the toughest obstacles standing in the way of their customers’ success.

Brown’s insight into implementing strategic planning and oversight is based on 30 years’ experience and is right on target.

He states, “The vast majority of people in any organization are just trying to get their work done, even at a minimum. If that isn’t happening, it’s typically the organization itself throwing obstacles in their path that eventually people just give up on trying. They see the job as something to be endured rather than enjoyed.  Once ‘clear’ that the organization doesn’t much care about the work either, it’s easier to hang on and survive, however they’ve checked out and don’t make any real contribution. In rare cases you have truly toxic situations where senior managers, even entire business units are aggressive about tearing each other down regardless if the organization may fall.”

Brown has made headlines quite a bit recently, most notably for helping businesses build cooperation and make constant improvements.

It’s most likely for this reason that many people nationally consider him the most real and relevant Organization Recovery Consultant in tune with the marketplace today.

Douglas Brown provides customized workshops and ongoing managerial support in implementing strategic planning, budgeting, funding allocation and oversight, business process improvement and performance management for mid-sized businesses or units of larger organizations, helping these organizations get their situations under control and establish an upward path of positive results before investing in the expensive “magic potions” of long-term consulting or technology solutions.

To learn more about Douglas Brown visit:

Local Business Mavericks is available in Paperback and on Kindle at

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