Best-selling author Tavis Bucklin has embarked on a new project collaborating with home improvement professionals across the country. The book, “Before the Project -Inside advice from Home Improvement Professionals” seems to be creating quite a buzz in the home improvement industry. “Before the Project is the most comprehensive home improvement book of it’s kind.” DIY Television (2016)
As a general contractor specializing in kitchen remodel and design before entering the marketing world in 2010, Tavis Bucklin saw a need for educating people before they take on a big project. According to Bucklin, there are things to consider even before choosing a contractor. “The idea behind “Before the Project” is to help homeowners avoid the common pitfalls of walking into a project blind,” said, Bucklin. “There is always that one thing forgotten that can cause a snafu or the afterthought that could have made the project perfect,” he said. “Before the Project” is full of tips and ideas provided by leading contractors, interior designers, and home improvement professionals.
Alleviating the worries of making a big mistake while updating your home can make the experience a more enjoyable one. Leveraging the experiences of professionals could be the answer to making your next project turn out just right.
 While there is still time for professionals to claim their spot in the book, Bucklin stated, “I’ve got to get a move on, people have been emailing me, asking where to buy the book.” He went on to say,” We had to create a web page for folk to sign up, so they can be notified as soon as it is available.”
The book will be published in both digital and traditional formats and will be available in countries across the globe. For more information on Before the Project -Inside advice from Home Improvement Professionals visit: