Flores is the founder and CEO of Indispensable Now and author of the popular book, Don’t Let Your Struggle Become Your Standard. He works with entrepreneurs, executives, corporations and business organizations around the globe to inspire and give them the tools and tips to overcome limiting mindsets so they can, as he puts it, “dominate your life and business.” His presentations center around topics like: Corporate Unity, Mind Management, The Power of Showing Up, Indispensable Leadership, The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Embracing Diversity & Change. Diagnosed with a neuromuscular muscle-weakening disease as a toddler, he knows a thing or two about his subject matter.
“Growing up wasn’t easy. I suffered from many insecurities not knowing where I’d end up in life. But I made a life-changing choice early on to not let my struggle define my standard. Now I help others to do the same – in life and at work,” explained Flores, who is confined to a wheelchair. “My new podcast is one more way to support individuals in their quest to change their perspective and grow their potential.”
Flores’ reach is, in fact, continuing to grow. Along with his keynote speaking schedule and podcast, he is also a contributor to Addicted 2 Success, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global and The Goodmen Project and has been featured on FOX, NBC, iHeart & SiriusXM radio, as well as the TBN Network.
“My goal overall is to inspire and motivate everyone I meet to learn more, do more, and become more. And in doing that, I also achieve that for myself,” said Flores during recent interviews on Business Innovators Radio Network and in Small Business Trendsetters Magazine. “I work hard to engage individuals and businesses to strengthen their mental toughness and to develop into indispensable leaders by connecting with them, touching their hearts, and giving them a fresh perspective. I help people to gather the courage to disrupt limiting thinking and leave a legacy they and their families can be proud of.”
I Won’t Stop Until I Win is available on all podcast platforms including iTunes and Spotify. For more information about Jose Flores and Indispensable Now, go to joseinspires360.com.
“I travel the world with a physical disability that comes with its fair share of challenges but I never allow that to define me or confine me. I continually stretch outside my comfort zone and that is something that we all can do, no matter what the obstacle is,” he added.
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