Pamela Bruner, Business Coach, Author and Speaker, brings her Transform event to Atlanta

Published on June 4, 2015

Pamela Bruner, Founder and CEO of Make Your Success Real, a business coaching and consulting company, hosts its 5th annual 3-day Transform: Tapping into Wealth and Business Mastery Conference in Atlanta.

Make Your Success Real, a business coaching and consulting company that helps service professionals and small business owners build successful businesses is holding its 5th annual 3-day conference in Atlanta. Transform: Tapping into Wealth and Business Mastery is a unique and innovative business conference, combining business strategies with energy-healing modalities.

Founder and CEO of Make Your Success Real, Pamela Bruner is a business coach, author, speaker, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) expert. When she began her business six years ago, she was terrified to market and sell. After using her out-of-the-box techniques to remove her own marketing fears, Bruner grew her business from $375/month to $1,000,000 in less than 3 years. Bruner now specializes in working with conscious entrepreneurs to build six- and seven-figure businesses by removing their strategic and mindset challenges around marketing and sales. She is the co-author of Tapping into Ultimate Success book and DVD with Jack Canfield, creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Bruner is used to being questioned about her unorthodox techniques.

“With 95% of businesses are failing within the first five years, we need new methods to help business owners succeed. The in-your-face sales and marketing techniques that were taught decades ago are no longer appropriate or effective, and they don’t encourage businesses to be run in sustainable, fulfilling ways. New techniques for business success are needed. Focusing on integrity, authenticity, and courage in business building doesn’t just make the business stronger, it improves lives and the world,” says Bruner.

In addition to more a more value-based approach to business, Bruner also uses EFT, a simple acupressure technique that helps business owners feel less worried and stressed, while feeling more empowered in the challenging day-to-day tasks of running a business.

Make Your Success Real’s live 3-day Transform Event attracts small business owners nationwide annually. The event includes business-building strategies, high-impact speakers, experiential learning, resources, high-level networking, and one-on-one laser coaching opportunities. The dates for the event this year are June 11-13th, with 200 entrepreneurs expected to attend.

For more information about the event or Make Your Success Real programs, please contact Danielle Pettiord at 828-450-3700 or email at

About Make Your Success Real
Make Your Success Real is a business coaching and consulting company specializing in working with conscious entrepreneurs to build six- and seven-figure businesses. After starting the business in 2009, CEO and founder Pamela Bruner took the company across the seven-figure mark in less than three years by offering clients a combination of solid marketing strategies and cutting-edge mindset techniques.

Company Name: Make Your Success Real
Contact Person: Danielle Pettiord
Phone: 828-450-3700
Country: United States