An online interview with publishing services consultant Lisa Akoury-Ross recently aired on Business Innovators Radio. The topic was the difference between self-publishing and professional self-publishing. Business Innovators Magazine and its online companion radio show spotlight noteworthy business experts and people from around the globe who are innovators in their industry.
Akoury-Ross launched SDP Publishing Solutions, LLC over twenty-five years ago to help authors professionally publish their work independently and cost effectively. SDP offers a wide range of publishing solutions, from literary agency representation to worldwide marketing and independent publishing. They also offer services to authors such as editorial and writing coaching services, custom book cover design, layout, marketing and publicity for both the print and e-book platforms.
“Just because you’re self-publishing doesn’t mean you don’t need professional help,” says Akoury-Ross. “I am continually amazed at how few services there are available to authors who are self-publishing in terms of developmental, editorial and marketing help.”
One of the areas Lisa feels authors skimp on is editing, which hurts the quality and reader feedback on their books. Lisa’s team works hard to connect authors with editors within the same genre and with similar personalities.
After meeting with an author, SDP will assign two, and in some cases three different editors covering developmental editing, copy editing and proofreading. For certain projects, some editors can perform both the developmental editing and copy editing. Then the manuscript goes on to a proofreading editor. Lisa feels this is a big reason professionally self-published books turn out so much better than an author going it alone. Having multiple editors with different sets of eyes on a manuscript is critical to the final produced book.
SDP Publishing Solutions, LLC offers a wide range of other services to help authors self-publish, including representation, design, project management and marketing.
For more information and to download their “Top 10 Questions to Ask a Publisher,” go to
The full interview is available at
Lisa Akoury-Ross began serving the largest publishers in the world in the medical, education and trade industries over two decades ago. Starting with unedited manuscripts, her family business provided full publishing services for Pearson Education, Houghton Mifflin, Aspen Law & Business and others. Lisa launched SDP Publishing Solutions, LLC to help authors independently publish their work professionally and cost effectively.