Randy Stanbury is the President of Service Freight Systems and a best selling author. Stanbury has consistently managed to position his company for success as an up and coming leader in food transportation. His approach to business, unique insights and effective management of Service Freight has earned him a featured article in Small Business Trendsetters Magazine.
The piece in Small Business Trendsetters Magazine illustrates that one of Stanbury’s keys to success lies with his ability to keep his eyes on the future. He credits keeping on top of new developments with technology and industry trends with his rise towards the top of his industry.
According to Stanbury, “I see some real serious, serious changes and disruptions coming to the trucking world and my intention is to be at the very forefront of that. The very first autonomous truck is on the road of today, and that’s so recent.”
Stanbury believes that autonomous, self-driving trucks will fundamentally change the way freight moves around the country – and around the world. He elaborates that autonomous trucks won’t necessarily reduce the need for humans, as drivers will still need to ride along in order to help avoid and navigate certain roadblocks that inevitably come up during a long haul route.
However, Stanbury believes that self-driving trucks will fundamentally “shake up,” the world of freight transportation. He believes that more self-driving trucks will help with the shortage of drivers that the entire industry is facing. Self-driving freight will certainly reduce the need for teams of drivers as well as attracting new drivers.
Stanbury elaborates that moving into this new phase of growth will not be an easy transition, nor will it guarantee success. However, the opportunity for ongoing education and adaptability are the best chances anyone in the freight industry has for success. Much like other industries, being aware of any technological developments is key to continually growing his business.
Randy Stanbury states that, “It’s crucial that we as CEOs, presidents, managers, high executives that we know what’s being disrupted out there and how close it is to disrupting us, and viewing those tips and insights as to how we can disrupt ourselves before we actually get disrupted.”
Based on his projections for the future and optimistic outlook, Stanbury is presently developing two major breakthroughs that he believes will disrupt the freight and trucking industry in major ways. Small Business Trendsetters Magazine also highlights that the founder of FedEx, Fred Smith, has similar advice that echoes what Stanbury has to say, “Leader’s get out in front and stay there.” This advice has clearly served FedEx well, and Stanbury aims to emulate this successful viewpoint.