For Sarah Dowd Bryant of Transitions…The Process of Change (, keeping families intact throughout times of trouble is the focus of her business and her life.
“Through my work, I am able to help keep families together, while advocating for parents and children to provide a happy, healthy and safe home environment,” Bryant says.
Coming from a professional background replete with multiple honorifics and a substantial background in counseling and family services, Bryant is uniquely positioned to help families through crises without losing sight of the most important goal – caring and providing for any children involved.
In one case, Bryant was able to help reunite a father, who was suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental health issues, with his children after he had lost all parental rights.
“After working with a psychologist, the client worked with me for over a year reconciling with his children,” Bryant says. “As this time, father has full access to his children, regular weekend visitation, and, most importantly, his children have their dad back.”
Bryant was appointed to the Loudon County Community Services Board in 2013 and was asked to promote her vision for family reunification by hosting the radio show Domesticology. In addition to being a co-owner of Transitions…the Process of Change, a community-based mental health agency in Virginia, Bryant is also the co-owner of DBS Security Investigations Corporation that focuses on keep children and families safe. Bryant also developed curricula for co-parenting classes that were approved for use by the Supreme Court, for a family reunification program for use by the military, prisons, and human services agencies, and for a family reunification training program that will be used throughout the United States. Through her business, Transitions…The Process of Change, she has worked to obtain multiple clinical contracts via localities and government agencies.
Throughout her professional life, Bryant keeps her eye on the non-custodial parent in family court situations, but also on the children involved. She works to create a unique plan tailored to each case to ensure that everyone’s needs are being met in the safest and most supportive manner possible.
“My work is very valuable as we take each case and create a plan of action specifically for that case. No two situations are the same, and no two families are the same,” Bryant says. “Our programs really look at the entire family and focus mostly on the needs of the children. We fight to help the the parent who lost their children regain contact with family members, while insuring to the current guardian that the children will be safe throughout the process.”
For more information on Sarah Dowd Bryant or Transitions…The Process of Change, visit