Sky Eye Network Member Michael Simon Creates Growing Drone Business

Published on October 7, 2020

Michael Simon of St Petersburg, Florida attended the Tampa Drone Command Live in November 2019.

Simon, considering a career change, joined Sky Eye Network, after attending the event.

In just a short time Simons new company, Grand 911, LLC, has experienced tremendous growth. He has trained more than 10 pilots, and services multiple verticals including real estate commercials and swimming pool photography.

Referrals area large part of Simons business. On a recent video shoot an owner of a pool company saw what Simon was doing and asked him to film one of his pool projects.

The pool company owner was so please with the results that it resulted in eight more pools and referrals out to other business owners.

Simon is excited about the potential for growth in his business and the opportunity Sky Eye Network has offered him and how it impacted his life. “The opportunity that they gave me, the insight, the family that came aboard with it — and everything that you need is right there.” says Simon.

About Michael Simon

Michael Simon is from St. Petersburg, Florida. Prior to joining Sky Eye Network (SEN), Michael Simon’s passion was emergency and disaster management. He worked in the fire rescue division in the military where he received a degree from the American Military University, in 2018, for Emergency Disaster Management.

About Sky Eye Network

Sky Eye Network is the Premier Network of Certified and Professional Drone Entrepreneurs in the World. Sky Eye Network members are professionally trained Drone Pilots operating in full compliance with the FAA, and trained with the latest skills and techniques, using the latest and most advanced equipment.

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