Stephanie and Jon Iannotti Business Leadership Book Soars to No.1 On Amazon Best Seller List

Published on March 31, 2015

Stephanie and Jon Iannotti’s recently released book “Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders!” has hit #1 for two different categories on Amazon’s bestseller list.

New Life Vision, LLC announced the book, “Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders!” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List topping bestselling authors Stephen Covey, Jack Welch, Anthony Robbins, and even Phil Jackson.

The new business leadership book showcases leading business experts officially launched on March 24, 2015, and secured the rank of #1 Bestseller status in 2 categories on the day of release.

Stephanie and Jon Iannotti authored the chapter titled “The Business Leadership Success Formula!” and “it’s a vital and valuable contribution to the success of the book” according to publisher TC Bradley.

“Stephanie and Jon are amazing business leaders and I am thrilled we signed them to this book deal” said Bradley.

Stephanie and Jon Iannotti have been business leaders since 2000. With over 30 years combined experience in Real Estate Investing/ Teaching, and Mentoring and over 1800 creative deals under their belts, they are considered one of the best in the industry. They have also come up with some amazing ways to structure deals that are cutting edge. They have done many deals with their student partners using these state of the art techniques which are now being taught across the country and internationally.

They are the creators of ACT (Agreeable Contract Terms). This program and has totally changed many investors’ lives with the teachings and techniques. Then in 2012, due to even more changes in the Real Estate Market, the Iannotti’s came up with another System called REACT (Reverse Engineered Assignment of Contract Terms). REACT is now taking the Real Estate Investing world by storm as well as their most recent program CATS (Complete Agreeable Terms System), which was just released in October of 2014.

Jon and Stephanie have trained with and worked with some of the biggest names in Real Estate Investing. To name a few, Ron LeGrand, Robin Thompson, Lee Phillips, Al Aiello, Ted Thomas, Lou Brown, and many others. Not only have they mentored hundreds of their own students, they have also mentored hundreds of Ron Legrand’s real estate students.

The Iannotti’s are also Amazon #1 Best Selling Authors of “The New Masters of Real Estate, Getting Deals Done in the New Economy.” 12 of the 18 contributing authors were mentored or coached by them personally.

They are also highly sought after National Speakers and National & International Mentors to well over 400 students over the past few 10 years. Owning their own businesses have given them the freedom to live where they want to live, do what they want to do and when they want to do it.

To learn more about the Iannotti’s visit: or

“Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders!” is available on at:

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Contact Person: TC Bradley
Phone: 800-676-1075
Country: USA