Success Her Way: International Speaker Kat Halushka Reveals the Best Client-Attraction Strategies for Speakers Sidelined by the Global Pandemic

Published on September 25, 2020

As the world struggles to rebound from COVID-19, many entrepreneurs are taking their speaking business online with effective strategies for reaching a digital audience.

According to a survey conducted by HubSpot, people still crave face-to-face communication – even in the digital age. The study found that nearly 100% of people surveyed said that face-to-face meetings are essential for long-term business relationships. HubSpot also reported that the close rate for in-person meetings is 40% – a significantly higher close rate compared to other forms of advertising.

But with the global pandemic preventing face-to-face meetings for the foreseeable future, one expert says that public speakers, especially service-based and heart-centered business owners seeking clients, can still connect with their audience online and see significant results.

“Public speaking allows you to stand out in your industry, build a successful business, and create those ripples of impact in the world,” says Kat Halushka, an international mentor, speaker, and coach who teaches entrepreneurs how to get clients on repeat without working more. “Whether you are speaking from the stage or using Zoom or Facebook, people still crave that human connection and they are becoming more adaptable to online learning, training, and speaking. This is a golden opportunity for those speakers willing to adapt.”

Halushka, who failed at two businesses before creating her own million-dollar success story, says she was frustrated by the typical marketing and networking activities most business owners do. “I just always felt like I was spinning my wheels,” she recalls. “I was just stuck in that vicious circle of always trying to get clients and never having enough time.”

Halushka realized the potential of selling from the stage after she attended a three-day marketing event and watched people eagerly sign up for a $5,000 program. “I thought about all the work I had to do just to convert a single client, and this guy was converting dozens,” Halushka said. “People loved him and wanted to invest in him. That created a huge shift for me, and I knew I had to overcome my fear of being in the spotlight.”

By giving short talks at local networking events, Halushka quickly found herself getting noticed and becoming a local authority. “Before, I used to spend 40 to 80 hours a week having endless coffee meetings and trying to get clients,” Halushka says. “Then, I started hosting one event a month and all these people would come to me and ask to work with me. It was crazy!”

Based on her success, Halushka created the Profitable Impact Academy to help coaches, consultants, and service-based professionals get more clients – without building a website, networking, or wasting time on social media. Best of all, Halushka has updated her client-attraction strategies to accommodate the challenges of doing business in the “the new normal” of COVID-19. The key to her success is based on three simple secrets.

1. Make a bigger impact online. Halushka believes that public speaking is the fastest way to establish credibility and authority. “While everyone else is trying to make things work in the uncertainty of a global pandemic, online speakers can use live video and digital presentation skills to build authority, share their message, showcase their expertise, and be as effective online as they are with face-to-face, in-person communication,” Halushka says. “Using a ‘Profitable Signature Talk,’ whether you are online or offline, lets you consistently generate high-paying clients without worrying about competition or advertising.”

2. Focus on a single, simple, scalable strategy. According to Halushka, the traditional online marketing approach of trying to be “everywhere” at once is a long-term strategy that requires a significant investment of time and energy. She believes targeted online presentations, such as webinars and live trainings, is a superior strategy and gets results faster. “Whether you are in the front of the room or on someone’s screen, you have their attention – and that is the most powerful place to be,” Halushka says. “You are seen as a leader and an impact maker, not a starving artist struggling to pay the bills.”

3. Work less and do better work. Halushka says her system eliminates wasteful networking, marketing, and social media strategies and lets speakers maximize their potential with just one talk per month. “All you really need is a story, a stage, and a solution,” she says. “If the stage can’t be physical, make the stage virtual. Not only do you get to share your message with thousands of people with less time and effort, but you also get to provide massive value to clients and have plenty of time left over to enjoy life.”

“Having the right coach has really been important to me in my business – and I’ve got to tell you that Kat Halushka is that right coach,” says client Michael Mushlin. “With her support I’ve landed my first $30,000 client for one year’s worth of coaching, which has been phenomenal.”

“Whatever you do, step into your power and continue speaking, either offline or online,” Halushka advises. “It doesn’t matter how many people show up or tune in – even if it’s one person, you’re going to impact that one person’s life, and they will take that impact further.”

Kat Halushka is an international mentor, speaker and coach who helps entrepreneurs start and grow businesses that support the lifestyle they want. She has presented at over 200 speaking venues and generated over $2 million by utilizing her proprietary success system.

To book a complementary strategy session with a Profitable Impact Academy coach, or to find more resources on getting clients through speaking, go to

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