Teresa Jenkins ‘Make Democracy Work Again: A Blueprint for the 2016 Election and Beyond’ is No. 1 Best Seller On Amazon

Published on July 18, 2016

"Make Democracy Work Again: A Blueprint for the 2016 Election and Beyond” by Teresa M. Jenkins has been recognized as an international Amazon bestseller. It was No.1 on Amazon in the category of political reference books. The book provides insights into the current U.S. political environment and provides solutions to make democracy work again.

PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA – Teresa Jenkins, author of  “Make Democracy Work Again: A Blueprint for the 2016 Election and Beyond” was recently interviewed by Tamara “Ask Tami” Patzer on Business Innovators Radio show about the themes of her No. 1 best selling political reference book and the implications of the current election climate in the 2016 elections.

    “The preparation for the book took longer than it’s writing,” said Jenkins, who spent five years gathering information and materials about the election process in the United States as she recognized with increasing alarm the dangers that now threaten the economic institution and the increasing partisan divide that prevents needed legislation from getting passed.

  Jenkins said,  “The freedoms of many citizens – women, minorities, and older adults — are at risk because of dangerous impulses in our current state of politics. There is much to be learned to avoid voting against our own and our nation’s interests.”

     Jenkins believes that the  solution to making Democracy work again is in the hands of each and every registered voter.   “I have an unrelenting compulsion to connect the dots which makes my book a bit unique,” said Jenkins.

     “Some people are disgruntled over stagnant wages; others are fearful about changing demographics, which they perceive as a threat to their future; and there are others who simply feel forgotten. All of these emotions and fears are at the center of our current political firestorm.”

    Teresa Jenkins served as an executive with the administrations of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and has been recognized by many for her public service. Rep. James Moran, Jr., former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1991 to 2014 said this about her.

     “Teresa Jenkins has devoted most of her adult life to making democracy work for everyone. Make Democracy Work Again tells it like it is today and how much worse it could be tomorrow if we don’t stand alongside people like Teresa,” said Rep. James Moran, Jr.

    Teresa Jenkins is president of SW Florida Independent Voters Association; a former director with the Florida League of Women Voters; and past president of the Charlotte County League of Women Voters. She was a delegate to the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

     The following is a short excerpt of Jenkins’ blog about Donald Trump’s choice of  Indiana Governor Mike Mike Pence as a VP running mate.

     “…Typically a presidential candidate’s Vice Presidential pick does not matter to the average voter. And activists like myself urge voters to forget the candidates, and focus on the issues. But in this highly charged unusual election year, we have to pay attention to the issues, the candidates, and VP choices. 

     As his running mate, Donald Trump chose Indiana Governor Mike Pence because he is a staunch conservative who can energize the far-right and evangelical Christian voters and because he can bring in needed cash as he is highly regarded by GOP establishment donors…” To read more, go to: http://progressiveindependents.com

   To listen to the Business Innovators Radio Show with Jenkins, go to: https://businessinnovatorsmagazine.com/teresa-jenkins-make-democracy-work-again-author-now-on-amazon/

    Jenkins is available for media interviews about “Make Democracy Work Again.” Contact the author at teresajenkins0807@gmail.com; or  Book Broker Publishers of Florida, Book-Broker@hotmail.com.


Company Name: Book Broker Publishers of Florida
Contact Person: Teresa Jenkins
Email: teresajenkins0807@gmail.com
Phone: 703-627-4383
Country: USA
Website: http://progressiveindependents.com