The Addictions Coach Dr. Cali Estes Now Offers a New and Unique Program to Combat Increased Incidence of “Failure-to-Launch Syndrome” Which Leaves Young Adults Stuck and Lost

Published on March 1, 2019

The Addictions Coach Dr. Cali Estes recently announced they are now offering a program to address the growing number of "lost" and "stuck in life" young adults who lack direction and motivation, often still living at home with their parents.
Dr. Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach and Founder of The Addictions Academy confirmed they have a unique program designed to offer structure, accountability, motivation, social skills, and more to help 20-to-30-year-olds who may be unable to find a direction in life which sufficiently motivates them into action.
Estes said, “We all know the classic example of the 30-something living in Mom & Dad’s basement and working at the local pizza parlor, or the 28-year old college drop-out who’s thrown in the towel on the prospect of education and success.”
“We call it Failure-to-Launch Syndrome, and it is a surprisingly common condition we see, of which is most often seen among those having been raised in more affluent households.”
What causes this? Is it a matter of maturity or lack thereof? Is it simply a matter of being “stuck in life,” with no direction or answers? Is it maybe somehow related to a mental health condition like depression or bipolar disorder? 
The reality is that Failure-to-Launch Disorder is often times the culmination of several variables in life. One unique component Dr. Estes sees, however, is that many times these individuals were at one point driven in their lives, with goals and aspirations. Yet for whatever reason, they are now in a decade-long rut that has them still siphoning off others in their life.
This “couch-surfing” lifestyle often leads them back home and many parents are unable to find a solution. This can get pretty serious as highlighted in a recent story carried worldwide. Parents had to sue their 30-year-old son in order to get him to move out.
As reported by CNN and other major media networks, “A 30-year-old man didn’t get the message that it was time to move out of his parents’ home, even after they left him five notices and an offer of cash to help find new digs. The New York family drama eventually rolled into the court system, where a judge ruled in the parents’ favor and ordered Michael Rotondo to leave after having a room for eight years.”
And according to a 2018 survey from Zillow Group Inc., approximately 22.5% of millennials ages 24 through 36 are living at home with their moms or both parents, up nine percentage points since 2005 and the most in any year in the last decade.
“Our approach to helping those struggling with Failure-to-Launch Syndrome is largely about creating a new reality, a reality that is built around the client’s persona, abilities and/or passions, yet while effectively integrating it all within the realms of responsibility, maturity, patience, recognizing opportunities and so much more,” explained Dr. Estes.
She continued, “It is entirely about long-term solutions and success, but we do it through a highly integrative process that has shown tremendous success among those we help.”
Dr. Cali Estes and her team view each client individually and are able to create a “Re-Launch” process tailored around his or her needs. From seemingly smaller successes to a whole new existence built as much on desire as it is on necessity, this can be an opportunity for growth like none other. The Failure to Launch Syndrome is most common in the young ‘millennial‘ population that craves meaning in life but lacks action. 
Dr. Cali Estes and The Addictions Academy have been offering a wide-ranging assortment of advanced training for years in an on-going effort to counteract the growing addiction problem. The Academy has more than 30 faculty teaching over 40 courses in five different languages. Program graduates can be found in 23 countries helping address the addiction problem worldwide.
For more info on the Failure-to-Launch program, go to
To learn more about Dr. Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach, visit

Company Name: The Addictions Coach
Contact Person: Dr. Cali Estes
Phone: 1-800-706-0318
Country: USA