Author and multi-generational communication specialist, JoAnne Marlow’s recent release of 25 Powerful Strategies to Hire and Successfully Retain Millennials hit Amazon’s best seller list on June 20, 2017, climbing all the way to #1 in the Human Resources & Personnel Management and Business Ethics categories.
25 Powerful Strategies to Hire and Successfully Retain Millennials was also named a Hot New Release on Amazon.
In the book 25 Powerful Strategies to Hire and Successfully Retain Millennials, author JoAnne Marlow teaches managers and business owners practical strategies they can apply immediately to their organization. The applied results will motivate Millennial employees to be:
- Engaged in a positive culture
- Effective multi-generation team members
- The best that they can be at work and at home
- Open, transparent, and collaborative in their communication
- Loyal to their employer because they are making a difference that managers value
Marlow states, “The process of building your millennial workforce need not be a challenge. The organization that recognizes and develops the best attributes in their younger employees will produce a more engaged and collaborative organizational culture.”
Marlow says, “By 2020, the Millennials will make up three out of every four workers in North America. By older generations, Millennials have been described as entitled, disloyal and lazy. Yet, they come to the workplace with strengths, resourcefulness, values and different purposes. They have the ability to creatively seek efficiency and effective productivity.”
One of the biggest problems of all managers, no matter how small or large the organization might be, is to attract and retain their best talent. By making some small changes that Marlow teaches in this book, managers can see significant results and demonstrate their belief and value in their employees.
In response to the book hitting #1, Marlow stated, “I have been thrilled with the value that my clients say they receive from the book.”
One of the reviews states, “Awesome reading; such an eye opener in dealing with Millennials in the workforce. Well described habits, what to expect and the tips given by JoAnne will be so helpful, especially from the point of view of a “baby boomer” like myself. Definitely a MUST READ for those of us trying to build or attract a Millennial hierarchy. I consider this book a resource to BRIDGE THE GAP amongst all the different generations as well!”
A member from the Vancouver Board of Trade, who is a consultant to Millennials, is purchasing a number of the books as a tool for their clients.
JoAnne Marlow is the Principal of Systems for Engaging Teams. She is a leading authority, best selling author, and thought-leader in multi-generational communication and management systems. Marlow offers managers the information and guidance they need to optimize their cross-generational employees’ strengths and productivity to access their potential and achieve outstanding results. She resides in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Marlow’s book and courses have been accredited by the Chartered Professionals of Human Resource, BC and Yukon. As well, the Federal Government has asked Marlow to speak to a variety of Departments about Millennials and “Dialogue Between the Decades.” One Federal Government attendee said, “I have struggled with what to say to young employees who don’t share the same work ethics as me. With your suggestions, and the role-playing we did, I am much more confident to approach my young colleagues in a respectful, assertive way. Finally, my voice is being heard.”
To learn more about JoAnne Marlow, visit
25 Powerful Strategies to Hire and Successfully Retain Millennials is available on Amazon at