AR Authority Publishing Launches Search For Professionals To Be Featured In New Book Project About Confidence

Published on June 6, 2016

AR Authority Publishing begins the search for success and confidence professionals to be included in their upcoming book project that will benefit Crisol Proyectos Sociales.

June 6, 2016 – Ana Rosenberg, President of AR Authority Publishing confirmed they have officially launched an international search for professionals on the issue of building confidence, to be featured in the upcoming book, “Confidence – How To Go For What You Really, Really, REALLY Want And Stay Strong No Matter What.”

Explaining the search process, Rosenberg said, “This is an important book for us, so we’ll be reaching out to a select group of professionals, coaches and trainers we feel are true advocates for the success of the person who feels that a lack of confidence is the only obstacle standing between them and their success, while at the same time committing to spread the word about a great organization like Crisol Proyectos Sociales, which helps educate young people so that they can get their first job and stay out of poverty.”

AR Authority Publishing has pledged 100% of the royalties from the retail sales of the book to be donated to Crisol Proyectos Sociales.

Scheduled for a summer release, “Confidence – How To Go For What You Really, Really, REALLY Want And Stay Strong No Matter What” will spotlight each of the professionals, coaches and trainers selected from this search, sharing their insights and real world experience on how to build the confidence to go for what one wants in business and life.

Rosenberg said, “This book isn’t just about confidence. The success and confidence professionals we select are passionate about helping people break through the barriers so that they get to enjoy the life, business, relationship, career or health they deserve. They will answer the most common questions and bust the myths and misconceptions so many people have about confidence in their special area of experience. ‘Confidence’ will cover public speaking, relationships, health, getting out of difficult situations, careers, winning in competitions, confidence to become the Leading Authority in your field, among other topics that are rarely talked about.”

Rosenberg went on to describe the book as, “… a powerful resource for people who want to build the solid confidence they need to go for what they really want in business and in life.”

With several industry leaders expressing interest in participating, AR Authority Publishing is expected to make an announcement revealing the final selections by July 9, 2016.

However, Rosenberg asserted, “One of the reasons we launched this search is because we didn’t want to go the route of filling this book with the stereotypical ‘Experts.’  This search would be unnecessary if that was the case.”

“We anticipate a lot of exposure around this project, for both the good work Crisol does and the people we select to feature in the book, so we really want to showcase those professionals, coaches and trainers who are actually in the trenches, working hard every day and willing to share that experience to benefit a great cause and the success of people ready to build their confidence and go for the business and life they know they deserve.  That’s what will make this a win-win-win project.”

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Company Name: AR Authority Publishing
Contact Person: Mary Robbins
Phone: 978 707-9921
Country: United States