Bill A Johnston, Motivational Speaker, Author and Sales Consultant, Reaches Amazon Best Seller Status with New Book, Strategies for Cats

Published on March 17, 2016

Bill A Johnston’s new book, "Strategies for Cats: Change the Way You Think Receive the Abundance You Deserve" recently reached #1 on Amazon’s Best Seller list in three categories. This easy-to-read story about a homeless cat improves lives.

Johnston’s book reached #1 best seller status in the essay category for books and #1 in two Kindle categories (cats and essays). It also hit #1 on two hot new release lists.

Strategies for Cats” naturally appeals to cat lovers, but a business person who loves cats will immediately connect with the book too. It begins and ends as a true story about a homeless cat living in a storm drain just outside Johnston’s Greensboro, North Carolina home. Johnston’s family rescues the cat from an ice storm on Christmas Eve. What happens in between, starting with a cat fight that almost kills “Kitty” is a conversation between the cat’s conscious mind and subconscious mind called “The Voice.” It is this dialogue that helps readers understand that all people have an incredibly powerful subconscious mind. “If we discover how it works and then team up with it, that’s where miracles can happen,” Johnston says.

“Why are some people wealthy and other people poor?” Johnston asks. “It’s because of the way they think.” Yet most people, according to Johnston, don’t know how to purposefully think. “Even successful people rarely have a thought process they implement on purpose,” he said. By writing “Strategies for Cats” Johnston has created a personal development book in the same genre as Dr. Spencer Johnson’s classic “Who Moved My Cheese” that entertains while delivering powerful mindset lessons.

According to Influencers Radio’s Jack Mize, Johnston is “a remarkable storyteller.” Johnston’s goal early in the book is to make readers fall in love with “Kitty”, then quietly teaches the powerful, personal development lessons of great business book classics like Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich.” From creating faith, feeling good, demonstrating persistence, and relying on the subconscious mind to provide the answers for all questions, readers can make powerful decisions to improve both personal and business challenges. Johnston wants readers to experience a happy and abundant life.

Johnston clarifies the kinds of people who will read “Strategies for Cats.” “Most self-help books solve problems. If you’re a homeless cat, then ‘Strategies for Cats is perfect for you,” he chides, “but I doubt any of my readers are cats!” He emphasizes one of the biggest benefits of reading the book is understanding the cause of every problem, and that’s the way we think. “By changing the way we think, anyone can receive the abundance we deserve!”

About Bill A Johnston

With more than 35-years of experience in radio broadcasting and professional sales in the Carolinas, Bill A Johnston leverages his vast experience in business, sales, and personal development to help sales-driven companies, businesses and organizations create new ideas, discover new directions, and take action to make great things happen. His distinctive voice and engaging personality have been described as entertaining, insightful, fun, and educational.

Johnston’s book, “Strategies for Cats, is now available on Amazon in both Kindle and print formats. To learn more about Johnston’s book and opportunities to have him speak to your organization or group, visit

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