Broadcasters Unite: Lift Up The World Project Set To Air On Roku July 29th

Published on July 28, 2020

Raven Blair Glover, President of the Raven International TV Network, is launching a brand new broadcasting movement called Broadcasters Unite: Lift Up The World, on Wednesday, July 29th. This project aims to support and uplift people all over the world.

The ever-changing landscape associated with the coronavirus breeds uncertainty and fear around the globe, no community is left untouched. To strengthen people everywhere, Raven Blair Glover and her team will broadcast one positive video after another to lift up the world’s spirits. In an interview with Chuck Casto of co-sponsor,, Raven shares her vision for the movement, as well as it’s beginnings (to learn more about the event and hear Ravens’ interview with Chuck, click on the video below). It all started a couple of weeks prior to her 69th birthday.

Toward the end of March, she and her husband, Khaliq, were watching the making of “We Are the World” on Netflix. Celebrities like Diana Ross and Michael Jackson came together, laughing and excited to see each other. Quincy Jones introduced the person who inspired him to do the project. This man told the story of kids not eating for days and families sharing a piece of bread. The tone of the gathering changed from joy to concern as the young man’s story unfolded. Ms. Glover said, “I saw that instant transformation from the time they [the celebrities] came in, to the time that guy got on the platform and Quincy introduced him and he told his story. Seeing that instant transformation touched my heart. In fact, it touched my soul.”

COVID-19 created a very frightening, uncertain feeling across the country. Experts said, “If you’re over 60 or have underlying conditions, stay home.” Raven, herself approaching her 69th birthday met both those conditions, and it scared her. Seeing the instant transformation of the celebrities on stage moved Raven from worrying about herself to being inspired to lift up the world. “When we take our focus off our pain, it’s amazing how much more we can do!” she says. She contacted her board with the idea of creating a video event to let everyone know they were not alone. And Broadcasters Unite was born!

In addition to encouraging people during uncertain times. Raven is encouraging people to donate to a worthy cause: the Coronavirus Relief Fund. COVID-19 has threatened everyone’s way of life. How do people overcome their own worries? By serving others. Throughout the event, people will be encouraged to donate to the Fund which helps stop the virus’s spread and give communities on the front lines of the crisis the resources they need to act quickly and protect the most vulnerable. Contributions can be made by going to Once a donation has been made, contributors can email a copy of their receipt to to have access to the replay of the event.

Along with Raven, the founder and creator of Broadcasters Unite: Lift Up The World Project,  the members of her advisory board who contributed in making this dream a reality are: Cathy Sexton, Jeff & Alyce WolfAnna Scheller,  Debbie Weiseman, Del Gerard, Eli Thompson, Ida Crawford, and Dr. Karen Wilson-Starks.  The event would also not have been possible without the over 60 global broadcasters who took the time to send their empowering videos of hope, encouragement, and inspiration.

Broadcasters Unite: Lift Up the World will air on the Raven International TV channel and the Broadcasters Unite TV channel, both on Roku and Amazon Fire. Podcast listeners will be able to hear it on the Amazing Men and Women of Power podcast found on iHeart Radio, iTunes, Apple, Spotify, and Stitcher. For more information and to watch snippets of the event live, go to

The event will be held Wednesday, 29 July, beginning at 7 a.m. Pacific time and run for 24 hours.

Company Name: Raven International TV Network
Contact Person: Raven Glover
Phone: (818) 941-7617