Dr. Sherri Zaffrin Interviews With Business Innovators Magazine, Sharing Her Success With Braincore Therapy – A Neurofeedback Treatment

Published on September 3, 2015

Based on a 4 year track record and the positive results of so many clients, Dr. Sherri Zaffrin is more inspired than ever to share the opportunity BrainCore Therapy offers for so many suffering from chronic health issues.

As a Cum Laude graduate of Pennsylvania College Of Straight Chiropractic, and one that holds certifications in both Functional Diagnostic Medicine and Braincore Therapy, Dr. Sherri Zaffrin integrates Chiropractic care with nutritional counseling, supplements, various forms of detoxification and BrainCore Therapy to help synchronize and balance both the body and mind. Her focus is to re-establish and/or maintain optimal health and function for her patients using non-invasive and natural techniques. 

In her recent interview with Business Innovators Magazine, Dr. Sherri Zaffrin discussed how she is utilizing a treatment called BrainCore Therapy to help numerous patients suffering from symptoms of ADD, ADHD, Migraine Headaches, Anxiety, Insomnia and more. 

Braincore Therapy is a drugless, painless and noninvasive approach to treating multiple health problems by correcting the dysregulation of brainwaves through the process of neurofeedback. Considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration, Neurofeedback, also known as EEG Biofeedback, is a guided, computer-based exercise for the brain that results in the correction of dysregulated brainwaves.  Although discovered over fifty years ago, neurofeedback is now gaining popularity as an alternative to drug therapy as the technology has become more affordable and the fact that there are no known serious side effects.  

As explained by Dr. Sherri Zaffrin in the recent Business Innovators Magazine interview, brainwave dysregulation can occur for many reasons and each dysregulation, which can be seen on an Electroencephalogram or EEG, exhibits its own specific symptoms.  For example, a patient with ADHD suffers from a Delta and Beta dysregulation.  This under-aroused brain operates at a slow processing speed and the sufferer exhibits symptoms such as hyperactivity, social inappropriateness and is easily distracted.  In comparison, migraine sufferers show a Beta dysregulation on an EEG.  These patients suffer from an over-aroused brain and often complain of not being able to “find the off switch”. Braincore Therapy is literally a process of retraining the brain to produce the correct amount of dysregulated brainwaves resulting in improved symptoms and permanent results.

Since 2011, Dr. Sherri Zaffrin has been offering BarinCore Therapy to patients ranging from the ages of 7-92 years.  Each new patient has an individualized protocol developed based off of the complimentary EEG offered at Back to Health Chiropractic Center.  Most patients begin with twenty 50 minute sessions and are seen a few times a week at the office and are given a daily-use audio-visual entrainment device to take home and keep as part of the program to reinforce the sessions at home.

According to her recent interview, the treatment is safe for anyone currently taking medications for specific symptoms.  Regular communication with the patient’s primary doctor is part of the treatment process as medication doses may need to be decreased as treatments progress. 

With a success rate of 70-80% among patients, Back to Health Chiropractic Center’s website boasts many positive reviews.  For additional information on BrainCore Therapy or to reach Dr. Sherri Zaffrin, please see the contact information below.

Company Name: Back To Health Chiropractic Center
Contact Person: Dr. Sherri Zaffrin
Email: dr.sherri@verizon.net
Phone: 215-412-8081
Country: USA
Website: http://www.backtohealthcenter.com